EH&S provides guidance and services to the campus community that promote health, safety, and environmental stewardship.
Areas of service and support: working with hazards, risk assessment, safety and compliance, policies and procedures, consultation and training, resources and guidance.
Providing support, in the form of risk assessment, review, consultation, training, and the necessary resources and guidance for research at UC Berkeley.
The campuswide Workplace Safety Program serves as the university’s central program for creating a safe and healthful work environment.
Register for trainings related to specific laboratory procedures and practices.
Get lab coats, safety glasses, goggles, masks, face shields, and protective aprons.
Request pick up or drop off of lab waste.
EH&S lab safety specialists inspect labs with hazardous materials or operations.
Safety data sheets are the best source of information regarding the hazards, emergency response, and protective measures for any hazardous material.
Manage your lab roster.
Identify hazards in your research areas.
EHS 101 Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety
Access Chemical Inventory application.