Fire Safety

Providing inspections, plan review, and code consultation; serving as a fire protection and life safety resource for all UC Berkeley-owned and occupied buildings.

Amy Chen

Campus Fire Marshal, DCFM; Director of Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention
Construction Inspection
Building Plan Review

Megan Hall

Lead, UC Chemical Management Safety (Deputy Fire Marshal, DCFM)
UCOP Center of Excellence
Fire Prevention
Hazardous Materials

Katherine McCain-Orozco

Deputy Fire Marshal, DCFM: Plans Examiner (Construction Inspector)
Fire Prevention
Construction Inspection
Building Plan Review

Get fire extinguisher training?

Live Fire Extinguisher Trainingehs team member using fire extinguisher on live fire prop

The Office of Environment, Health & Safety is pleased to provide live fire extinguisher training to UC Berkeley students, staff, and faculty at no cost.

How to register for Live Fire...

Get open flame/cooking or special event permit?

1. A fire permit is required for events with the following conditions:

50 or more people attending Use of space on campus in capacity other than its normal use Use of tents or canopies Tents: Cumulative area greater than 400 sq. feet Canopies: Cumulative area greater than 400 sq. feet Location includes a roadway, pathway or plaza used for access by emergency vehicles Use of any kind of open flame (candles, torches, cooking devices, pyrotechnics) Use of compressed gas cylinders in vendor booths, cooking devices or any other function


Fire Safety

Providing inspections, plan review, and code consultation; serving as a fire protection and life safety resource for all UC Berkeley-owned and occupied buildings. Fire Safety How Do I:

David Conrod

FPS: Hazardous Materials Specialist
Fire Prevention
Hazardous Materials

Workplace Safety

California state regulations require every employer to establish, implement and maintain an effective Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). In August 2017, the University adopted a campuswide Workplace Safety Program that serves as the University’s central IIPP for creating a safe and healthful work environment. Having one program for the whole University helps to improve access, consistency, and usability across all departments. EH&S is the responsible department for overseeing the campuswide Workplace Safety Program. The campus Workplace Safety Program is based on the Injury...