EH&S provides campus researchers with lab coats, safety glasses, and goggles. We also provide shared protective equipment to labs, such as face shields and protective aprons.
Please contact the PPE coordinator at or by calling (510) 642-3073 if you have any questions or comments about personal protective equipment for your lab.
Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT)
The Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) is your web-based resource for identifying hazards present in your lab or research area. Upon completion of LHAT, you will receive a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) recommendation voucher—based on your lab’s assessment—that will make you eligible for our free PPE giveaway program.
I'm a Principal Investigator (PI)
- Complete the LHAT (Laboratory Hazardous Assessment Tool) <20-30 minutes>
- Log in to complete the Laboratory Hazard Assessment or assign a delegate who will do the assessment for you.
- Answer the series of yes/no questions that make up the hazard assessment.
- Certify the LHAT is complete.
- Complete the PPE training video and quiz <15 minutes>
- Watch the 6-minute PPE video and take the 10 question quiz.
- Make an appointment to be fitted for your PPE.
- Fitting Room is located at Physics North, Room 156 by appointment only.
- Ensure all your lab members go through the LHAT process
- This includes but is not limited to postdocs, visiting scholars, undergrads, rotation students, and volunteers.
For more information about the role of the Principal Investigator, see: What is the role of the Principal Investigator (PI)?
I'm a Delegate
- Complete the Laboratory Hazardous Assessment Tool (LHAT) <20-30 minutes>
- Your PI must log on to LHAT to assign you as a delegate.
- You answer a series of yes/no questions that are grouped by hazards (chemical, biological, physical, etc.).
- Your PI certifies the LHAT is complete.
- Complete the PPE training video and quiz
- Watch the 6-minute PPE video and take the 10 question quiz.
- Ensure that every person working in your lab has reviewed your lab's hazard assessment, completed the training video and quiz, and been fitted for their PPE.
- Make an appointment to be fitted for your PPE.
- Fitting Room is located at Physics North, Room 156 by appointment only.
For more information about the role of the Delegate, see: What is the role of the Delegate?
I'm a Lab Worker (Researchers & Staff)
- Complete the PPE training video and quiz
- After your PI has certified your lab's LHAT, you will be invited by email to log on to the Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT). You will review your lab's hazard assessment and acknowledge it.
- Complete the PPE training video and quiz
- Watch the 6-minute PPE video and take the 10 question quiz.
- RSS PPE Training
- Make an appointment to be fitted for your PPE
- Fitting Room is located at Physics North, Room 156 by appointment only.
For more information about the role of the Lab Worker, see: What is the role of the Lab Worker?