
The EH&S Training team creates, delivers, and tracks health, safety, and environmental training for all faculty, staff, and students.

Radiation Safety Awareness Training Update

June 3, 2024

Radiation Safety Awareness Training (EHS 404) is required for all staff who work in areas where radioactive materials and/or radiation producing machines are located. This training was recently integrated into the Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety training (EHS 101)

What this means

As of June 1, 2024, any person who has completed EHS 101...

Environmental Protection

Helping to protect and enhance the campus environment and providing permit and compliance management services. How Do I: collapse all expand all Get rid of waste?

Visit the Dispose of Waste...

Department Safety Coordinators

Department Safety Coordinators (DSCs) are a vital part of the campus safety structure, coordinating, implementing, and documenting safety practices in departments across campus.

Biological Safety

Providing support, in the form of risk assessment, review, consultation and training, for research at UC Berkeley that involves the use of recombinant DNA, biohazardous materials and biological toxins.

Biosafety How Do I: collapse all...

Controlled Substances

Controlled Substances

UC Berkeley’s Controlled Substances (CS) program outlines required procedures pertaining to the procurement, use, storage, inventory, and disposal of controlled substances to comply with Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) regulations. These procedures apply to all research and teaching activities using controlled substances.

Contact the EH&S Controlled Substances Program...

Resources and Guides

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

A JSA describes job tasks in step-by-step fashion, identifies associated hazards at each step, and outlines proper hazard controls that minimize the risk of injury or illness to the individual(s) performing that task.

JSAs Listed by Topic: Body Mechanics ...

Field Research

Safely working and conducting research outdoors, off-campus, and abroad. The UC Field Operations Safety Manual serves as a reference document and teaching tool to promote safe,...

Principal Investigators

Principal Investigators (PIs) must ensure the safety of work assignments and work spaces, assign safety training related to hazards, provide safety procedures and equipment, correct identified hazards (where practicable), look into the causes of incidents and take action to prevent similar incidents, and discuss safety in regular meetings and performance reviews.

New labs

How do I set up a new lab?

Note: Your department's Department Safety Coordinator (DSC) may have their own practices and guidelines. It is strongly suggested that you contact them for guidance. Not sure who your DSC is? Use the "Who's your DSC?" tool to find out!

Getting Started Email to have your new lab set up in our database. If you are a new Principal Investigator,...

Chemical Safety

Chemical SafetyHow Do I: collapse all expand all Store chemicals safely?

The safe storage of hazardous chemicals is an essential part of an environmental, health, and safety program. Chemical storage...