Order and purchase List I/II and CA precursors

Federal and State List I/II and CA Precursor Chemicals

  • List I/II and Precursor Chemicals that have legitimate uses in research but also have the potential to be used in the manufacture of controlled substances. State and federal laws require campus vendors to uphold stringent regulations regarding distribution of these chemicals.

CA Precursors Purchasing Options:

  • Authorized User orders from approved supplier within California state lines: 

    • Purchase throughBearBuy(Spectrum Chemical) Recommended and most efficient:

      How to Order List I/II and Precursor Chemicals through BearBuy

      1. The authorized user should initiate one BearBuy requisition for every precursor chemical to be purchased.

        1. If two different precursor chemicals are needed, there must be two BearBuy carts initiated by the authorized user. One BearBuy cart will contain only one precursor chemical.

          Important: If you add more than one precursor to a BearBuy cart, your purchase will be denied.

      1. Do not combine any other item(s) in a BearBuy cart which contains a precursor chemical.

      2. To receive the order in a timely manner, purchase precursor chemical from the preferred vendor, Spectrum Chemical, whenever possible(has the widest catalog selection). 

        1. Orders from Spectrum Chemical require additional paperwork: and Intended Use Statement (21 Day Hold)

      3. Search for the precursor chemical and place it into the BearBuy cart.

      4. Compose an Intended Use Statement and attach it in the comments section of the BearBuy order. Use the following guidelines.

        1. Write the Intended Use Statement on a UC Berkeley Letterhead. Templates are available through your home departments, or EH&S upon request: Csuse@berkeley.edu
        2. Do not mention any confidential research in the statement.
        3. Include the date and wet signature from the PI in the statement.
        4. Include the precursor chemical’s name and concentration (if applicable) (e.g. "Precursor solution 2.0 M"). This must match the item being ordered.
        5. Be specific about the intended use. Provide details without disclosing trade secrets. Vendors often reject general statements such as “for research use”.
        6. Four to five sentences should suffice.
        7. Convert a copy of the Intended Use Statement to pdf and attach it to the BearBuy cart in the comments section. Make sure to send a copy of the Intended Use Statement to Csuse@berkeley.edu
      1. The authorized user must send this request to the PI and the PI must personally approve the order on BearBuy.

        1. Orders approved by any other proxy (such as a lab manager or department staff) will be rejected.  


      The notice of delivery will indicate where the item can be picked up.

      Administrative controls:

      Chemical must be added to the laboratory Chemical Inventory on the day of the receipt. Store listed chemicals according to their hazard type. List I and California precursor chemicals must be stored within a room that's under human surveillance or locked when not staffed.

      Some things to note:

      • If you are contacted by the vendor, let Csuse@berkeley.edu know so we can work with our internal SCM to resolve it and get you the chemical you need, thereby reducing the burden on your end.

      • It is possible the vendor may reach out to your lab and ask for the Intended Use Statement (or as it is sometimes called - "End Use Declaration"), even though it is already included in the BearBuy cart.


      • If listed chemicals are also marked as hazardous they will require ground transportation (please anticipate a minimum of 20 days). 

      • California precursor chemicals require a CA Department of Justice review period (21 day hold).

  • If you choose to purchase from a supplier outside of California, please choose one of the following: 

    • Authorized User obtains a CA precursor permit by contacting CA controlled Substance Group by phone 916-227-4222 or by emailCCSP@DOJ.CA.GOV

      • The permit can be used for both outside and inside California state lines 

      • A permit is needed for each individual CA Precursor chemical requisition
    • Authorized User Obtains a DEA registration by filling out DEA Form 225.