Training Requirements

Chemical Hygiene Plan

By law, laboratory personnel must be trained on the contents of the CHP (reading the CHP Flipchart and this online CHP Component constitutes training only if documented on the Flipchart). This training must be documented on the CHP Flipchart before starting work in the laboratory. Whenever the CHP is revised, training must be provided on the changes and documented on the CHP Flipchart. If space runs out on the training documentation page of the CHP, please print out an additional training page, attach it to the CHP, and continue documenting training. 

All lab workers are required to successfully complete EHS 101: Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety training offered online at the UC Learning Center.  EHS 103: Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety Refresher is required at a minimum of every three (3) years. See the EH&S training webpage for details.

Supervisors are responsible for conducting a Training Needs Assessment for all lab personnel and for ensuring that the lab personnel completes any identified training.

The assessment of the training requirement of a target group should be considered in terms of (1) risk of hazards present in work activities, (2) their educational and professional background, (3) regulatory requirements for training. The training needs assessment needs to be documented.

The chart on this page can be used as a resource when performing the Training Needs Assessment

Additional EH&S training is required for certain operations. See links below for details:

See the EH&S training webpage for additional information.