Chemical Hygiene Plan - Online Component
Cal/OSHA (Title 8 CCR Sec. 5191) requires that all laboratories have a written Chemical Hygiene Plan as a fundamental chemical safety plan for the laboratory. This online resource is intended to supplement the information in the hard copy Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) Flipchart that includes laboratory-specific information.
Request a CHP Flipchart
To obtain a CHP Flip Chart for your laboratory, use the contact form and select the "Safety signage, stickers, flipcharts, or other materials" option. You can also call (510) 642-3073 or email
Chemical Hygiene Responsibilities
All UC Berkeley laboratory personnel who work with laboratory chemicals must know and follow the guidance outlined in this online CHP Component and the CHP Flipchart. Every laboratory worker is responsible for following safe work practices. Practicing safe chemical hygiene protects you and other lab members.
Additional requirements for this laboratory may also be found in the lab’s Radiation Use Authorization, Biological Use Authorization, Laser User Registration, or if you use Toxic Gases or Controlled Substances.
Contact Campus Chemical Hygiene Officer, Kelsey Mesa, at or (510) 642-3073 with any questions regarding the CHP or any lab safety issues.