Employee and Supervisor Responsibilities

Employee Responsibilities

Employees have the responsibility to follow safety procedures, including wearing proper safety equipment and completing appropriate training. Employees must also recognize and correct hazards (when possible) or report hazards to the appropriate supervisor. 

For more information see Individual Responsibilities.

Supervisor, Manager, and Principal Investigator Responsibilities

Supervisors must ensure the safety of work assignments and workspaces, assign safety training related to hazards, provide safety procedures and equipment, correct identified hazards (where practicable), look into the causes of incidents and take action to prevent similar incidents, and discuss safety in regular meetings and performance reviews. 

For more information, see Manager Responsibilities.

Safety Training

Assigning safety training:


Health, Safety, and Environmental Training

Learn what safety training courses are required and how to access them using the UC Learning Center.

START - Training

Safety Training Assessment & Records Tool (START)

The Safety Training Assessment & Records Tool (START) is a web application that allows supervisors and managers to easily determine the safety training needs of their employees and personnel and whether or not they have completed assigned safety training.