Workplace Safety

The campuswide Workplace Safety Program serves as the university’s central program for creating a safe and healthful work environment. 

Machine Guarding

Machine GuardingCalOSHA code requires that any machine part, function, or process which may cause injury must be safeguarded. When the operation of a machine or accidental contact with it can injure the operator or others in the vicinity, the hazards must be either controlled or eliminated. All physical machine guards must be appropriate for the hazard involved, secured in place,...

Hearing Conservation

EH&S and University Health Services (UHS) together administer a Hearing Conservation Program designed to protect faculty, staff and students from hearing loss due to exposure to loud noise, i.e., exposure to noise above 85 decibels as an eight-hour time-weighted average.

The Hearing Conservation Program includes:

Workplace and personal exposure monitoring Annual audiometric (hearing) tests Annual training...

Fall Protection

In 2009, nationally there were fatal 520 falls, while in California there were 54 fatal falls of which 41 would have been prevented with adequate fall protection. Cal/OSHA has Fall Protection Safety regulations that ensure safe-work activities when the possibility of falling is present. The University of California, Berkeley (UCB) has developed this Fall Protection Safety Program to manage the safe selection, procurement, use of and safe work practices, inspection, and record-keeping of all fall protection equipment (FPE). Included are guidelines for identification and...

Shop Safety Program

There are more than 50 shops on campus and at field stations that conduct work in support of research and maintenance activities. Work includes model-building, carpentry, machine building, electrical/electronics, concrete work, glass blowing, metal working, vehicle maintenance and more. The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) has developed this Shop Safety Program to manage the hazards associated with various shops and their work activities to comply with Cal-OSHA and other regulations concerning shops.

This program applies to any department on campus, at field stations...

Crane/Hoist Safety Program

UC Berkeley’s Office of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) manages Crane Safety to ensure Cal/OSHA compliance by campus Departments, Field Stations, and Contractors using University-owned overhead cranes, hoists and rigging. Administrative requirements, training requirements, recordkeeping requirements, inspection criterion and procedures, “Operator” and “Standby Person” safe-work procedures are included for all types of cranes and hoists that are used for lifting/moving equipment and materiel.

There are two classes of cranes/hoists defined according to rated load capacities...


Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Storing Flammable Liquids in Refrigerators and Freezers

Flammable material refrigerators and freezers are designed to prevent ignition of flammable vapors inside the storage compartment and should be purchased whenever a refrigerator is needed to store flammable liquid. A flammable liquid is defined by the fire code as having a flash point of less than 100 ˚F (38˚C).

Storing Flammable Liquids in Refrigerators and...

Off-Road Diesel Powered Equipment Idling Standard Operating Procedure

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

This standard operating procedure applies to the operation of all off-road diesel powered vehicles or equipment, owned by or located on, the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) campus or any locations under the control of UCB staff or personnel. This standard operating procedure is a direct result of legal requirements in California and failure to comply with the requirements of this standard operating procedure, or any of its implementation measures, may result in appropriate disciplinary action at the discretion of UCB or its representative.

Minimizing Hazardous Waste

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Waste Minimization Fact Sheet

Waste minimization is any action that decreases the amount of hazardous waste generated or reduces the toxicity of the waste generated in your work area.

Accident Investigation

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Supervisors, Department Safety Coordinators (DSCs), and safety committee members: Do you know how to conduct a thorough investigation after an accident occurs in your department? Are you aware that serious injuries require the immediate notification of the Office of Environment, Health & Safety
(EH&S)? Investigation of accidents is not only required by law, it can also help prevent future accidents. Follow the steps outlined below to comply with the law, improve procedures and conditions, and create a safer work environment.

Cal/OSHA Inspections

Fact Sheet: Cal/OSHA Inspections

Cal/OSHA inspectors can make unannounced visits to make sure that the Berkeley campus and associated fa- cilities are safe and healthy. Normally, they contact EH&S first by coming to the EH&S main office. If they show up at your workplace without an EH&S escort, call EH&S immediately at 642-3073. EH&S will help ensure the appropriate labor union(s) is/are involved and will provide additional support throughout the process.