Lab Managers & Safety Coordinators

Background image: Lab Safety

Laboratory managers and Laboratory Safety Coordinators (LSCs) are typically selected by a lab’s principal investigator, and serve a critical role with regards to lab safety. In many cases, the LSC is also the lab manager, though not always. LSCs serve as delegates for the principal investigator for many safety programs and applications including Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) and Inspect. 

Information for Lab Managers or Safety Coordinators

Are you a new Laboratory Manager or Laboratory Safety Coordinator? Are you looking for answers on how to get started or who to talk to?

Getting Started

Note: It may take up to a day for roster changes on L@B to reflect on LHAT. Please contact if any further issues arise. 

  •  Bookmark these EH&S web pages to quickly find the information and forms you need in the future.

If you have questions about laboratory safety, please contact and give us your name, PI's name, and the department or institute you work in.

Responsibilities of Lab Managers

MANAGERS (defined as academic and non-academic managers including Principal Investigators, other faculty, and any other manager with direct oversight of operations) are responsible to:

Ensure that environmental, health, and safety obligations are carried out by everyone working in their operations. Communicate to their employees, students, and visitors that health and safety and concern for the environment are top priorities on the Berkeley campus and that everyone shares in the obligation to perform work in a safe, healthful, environmentally protective...

How Do I:

Report an accident?

Contact EH&S at 510-642-3073 (off-hours 510-642-3333) to report an accident such as a workplace injury or hazardous material spill/exposure. If there is a life-threatening emergency, please call 911. 

Make sure that any accidents or dangerous incidents are reported to your home unit.

EH&S must be notified immediately if any of the following occurs: worker fatality, inpatient hospitalization, loss of any body part (e.g., fingertip), or possible permanent disfigurement.

Find out what trainings people need?

All employees are required to take Workplace Health and Safety Program training. Use this link to take the training at the UC Learning Center:

Workplace Health and Safety Program Awareness Training

Training related to specific workplace, department and/or job tasks may also be required.

Update recharge account information?

To update account information, please review the “Update account information?” section on Recharge Services web page.

Note: Authorization is required to make updates.

For questions or problems, contact

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