Shop Safety

Policies, procedures, and training materials for any type of shop-work activities.

Suggested Job Duties for Department Safety Coordinators

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Department Safety Coordinators (DSCs) are a vital part of the campus safety structure. Yet at times there is confusion about what tasks are appropriate for the role. The Office of Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) has developed the following task descriptions to guide campus departments in assigning responsibilities to DSCs. The language used is appropriate for insertion into job descriptions, a practice that can help clarify expectations for both DSCs and their supervisors. Departments should feel free to modify the task descriptions to meet their unique needs. EH&S staff...

Electrical Safety Program

Electrical Safety at UC Berkeley

The UC Berkeley Electrical Safety Program provides information about electrical hazards, guides University safe-work policy, electrical safety procedures, equipment design, development and installation for all electrical work, equipment and systems at UC Berkeley. All faculty, staff, students, visitors and contractors must comply with the requirements of this program as it ensures their safety by:

Defining safe work practices and use requirements for...

Equipment and Tool Safety

Providing resources and guidance for the safe use of tools by UC Berkeley personnel.

Needles and Sharps: Safe Handling, Injury Response and Disposal

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

A sharp is any device with corners, edges, or projections capable of cutting or piercing. Sharps include,
but are not limited to, the following:

Needles Needles with syringes and attached tubing Blades (razors, scalpels and X-acto®) Glass pasteur pipettes Broken glass, glass slides, and coverslips

Annual Shop Safety Self-inspections

April 11, 2023

The annual shop safety self-inspection period is here! Each year, shops are asked to conduct self inspections to supplement EH&S inspections in order to promote safety awareness and safe work practices.

Complete a self-inspection online by Monday, May 1, 2023

Visit the EH...

Shop Safety Inspection Program


EH&S safety specialists inspect campus shops annually. These inspections are designed to improve shop safety by identifying and correcting hazardous conditions, increasing awareness of safety concerns and promoting regulatory compliance. EH&S-led inspections will be conducted in October and November.

EH&S can also provide shops with inspection assistance or consultation on a full range of issues throughout the year. Contact EH&S at 510-642-3073 with any questions or concerns about the Shop Safety Inspection Program.



Lab Equipment Electrical Safety

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Lab Equipment Hazards & Controls, Electrical Safety

Identifying hazards and proper hazard controls for laboratory equipment that have High Voltage > 50 V, as well as new capital equipment.


COVID-19 Guidance and Resources for Research EHS 207 Protecting Workers Required Training Lab Research Ramp-Up Planning Laboratory Start-Up Guidelines Research Ramp-Up SOP Template Researcher Guide to Routine Sanitizing and Housekeeping Laboratory Ramp Down Checklist Cloth Face Covering Guidance for Labs Lab Spot Check Inspections Working Close During COVID-19 Field Research: Precautions and considerations for travel or fieldwork

Job Safety Analysis

Job Safety Analysis or JSAs describes job tasks in step-by-step fashion, identifies associated hazards at each step, and outlines proper hazard controls that minimize the risk of injury or illness to the individual(s) performing that task.

Getting Started with Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

How do I write or find a JSA? The objective of providing this library is to:

Improve safety awareness among staff Decrease injury rates Make effective JSA resources available to the entire UC Berkeley campus