Shop Safety Self-Inspections

Each year, shop managers (or their delegates) are asked to conduct shop self-inspections. The topics covered are designed to supplement inspections conducted by EH&S to facilitate safety awareness and ownership within the shop.

Compliance Requirement

Self-inspections are a requirement of the campus Workplace Safety Program and Policy.

2024 Shop Safety Self-Inspections

Complete a shop safety self-inspection online via Inspect, a web application developed by the University of California Office of the President (UCOP). For access to the mobile app, see mobile instructions below.

Shop Self-Inspections are due May 1st, 2024.

Please contact with any questions or concerns.

EH&S Follow-up

EH&S will review all inspections and follow up with shop managers to provide assistance in correcting any deficiencies.

EH&S will contact your shop if you haven't completed the inspection by the deadline.

There will be a second, formal, EH&S on site inspection in October 2024 that will be based off of the same checklist as your self inspection. EH&S will be reaching out to schedule those inspections.

2024 Shop Self-Inspection Checklist

The self-inspection checklist can be viewed prior to initiating the self-inspections.

2024 Shop Self-Inspection checklist

General Safety

  1. Employees have reviewed the UCB Shop Safety Program document.

  2. Employees have reviewed the UCB Machine Guarding Program document.

  3. Employees have reviewed and signed the Shop Use Authorization form.

  4. Employees have reviewed and signed the Shop Safe Work Practices form.

  5. Employees have completed EH&S 601 Shop Safety Training, and any additional training required.

  6. Employees have completed EHS 102 Hazard Communication training.

  7. Employees working in the shop have reviewed and signed the Hazcomm Flipchart (orange flipchart).

  8. Employees wear appropriate attire, and restrain long hair and jewelry, for working with shop machines/equipment/tools.

  9. Safety signs are appropriately located in the shop, including "Authorized Personnel Only" and are displayed and worded in accordance with Cal/OSHA Section 3340

  10. Manufacturer's manuals for machines/equipment/tools are readily available for, and reviewed by, shop employees.

  11. Facility floor plan and equipment map is available.


  1. Shop floor is free from slip, trip, and fall hazards.

  2. Shop materials are stored in an organized and safe manner.

  3. Shop tools are safely stored away and not left on machines.

  4. Oily rags are stored in appropriate metal containers.

Electrical Safety

  1. LOTO Procedures are documented and followed for machines/equipment.

  2. Employees have been trained on LOTO Procedures for machinery/equipment. Documentation of training is readily available.

  3. LOTO Procedures have received an annual review.

  4. Damaged or defective equipment has been removed from service or otherwise locked-out/tagged-out to prevent use.

  5. Hand-held power tools are either grounded or marked as "double insulated".

  6. GFCI outlets are installed at wet or damp locations.

  7. Shop areas are free of recognized electrical hazards that are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.

  8. Circuit breaker panels are unobstructed 36" of clearance in front of panel.

  9. Breaker switches are clearly labeled in the panel to indicate what they serve.

  10. Extension cords are rated for "heavy duty".

  11. Extension cords are in good condition.

  12. Extension cords are protected from damage while in use (e.g. not running through doors,windows, pinch points).

  13. Extension cords do not pose trip hazards.

  14. Extension cords are not "daisy chained".

Chemical Safety & Hazard Communication

  1. Employees have reviewed and signed the Orange Hazcom Flipchart and it is posted in the shop.

  2. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are readily available in hardcopy form, or online.

  3. Safety Data Sheets are available for all chemicals in the shop inventory.

  4. Shop chemical inventory is available and up to date.

  5. Chemical containers have clearly readable labels to identify contents.

  6. Chemical containers are appropriately stored. Secondary containment is provided where appropriate.

  7. Eye wash stations are readily identified and accessible, and are tested weekly for appropriate flow.

  8. Universal waste (e.g. used batteries, fluorescent bulbs) is labeled and stored properly.

  9. Job Safety Analyses (JSAs) are available for hazardous operations; employees have reviewed and signed the JSAs that apply to them.

  10. Spill kits are available for the type and quantity of chemicals in the shop.

Fire/Life Safety

  1. Flammable liquids are stored in approved flammable liquid cabinets.

  2. Flammable liquid cabinets are located away from ignition sources and exit routes.

  3. Combustibles are minimized and stored properly (e.g. at least 3-ft away from ignition sources,not violating ceiling clearances).

  4. Exits, corridors, stairways, and aisles are unobstructed.

  5. Exits are marked with appropriate exit signs.

  6. Shop employees have been trained on the use of fire extinguishers. Training documentation available.

  7. Fire extinguishers in the shop are serviced annually, and inspected monthly as noted on the inspection tags.

  8. Fire extinguishers are readily accessible and not blocked.

  9. Fire extinguishers are of the appropriate type (A, B, C, and/or D) for the flammable hazards in the shop.

  10. Shop has an employee trained in first aid and CPR who can render aid.

  11. Emergency contact information is posted in the shop along with the emergency evacuation route plan.

  12. Access to fire alarm pull stations are not blocked.

  13. Furniture and equipment with a center of gravity over 4-ft high and weighing over 400 pounds is restrained to prevent tipping over in an earthquake.

Personal Protective Equipment

  1. Safety glasses are made available to employees and visitors before entering the shop area.

  2. Hearing protection is made available to employees.

  3. PPE is readily available and worn by shop employees and machine/equipment/tool users.

  4. PPE advisement signs are posted where necessary.


  1. Safety instructions and equipment operation manuals for each machine are available for review.

  2. Machines are properly adjusted and guarded.

  3. Emergency shut-off switches, brakes, etc. work properly and are labeled.

  4. Machines are anchored to prevent "walking".

  5. Adequate controls are in place to minimize dust from dust-generating tools and equipment.

  6. Machines are free of debris.

  7. Hooks or brushes are available to remove debris from machinery.

  8. Maintenance records for shop machines/equipment are readily available.

  9. An inventory list of all machines is available (includes name of manufacturer, model, serialnumber, and date of manufacture).

  10. CNC machines are fully enclosed with interlocking doors; panels are in good condition.

  11. Laser cutters have safety features, covers, and interlocks in place and in good condition.

  12. Hot surfaces are labeled and guarded to prevent accidental contact.

Compressed Gas Cylinders & Welding

  1. Compressed air used for cleaning is regulated to 30 psi.

  2. Compressed air is not used to clean (dust off) clothing.

  3. Oxidizers and fuel gases in storage are separated by at least 20-ft, or by a 5-ft wall with a 30-minute fire resistance rating (if not supplied on demand) (Exception: oxygen and acetylene)

  4. Individual cylinders are labeled to clearly identify contents.

  5. Cylinders are properly secured by a chain or stand to prevent tip over and damage.

  6. Regulators are removed and replaced with cylinder caps when not in use.

  7. Oxygen/Acetylene cylinders in use are kept in an approved cart.

  8. All regulators are at "0" psi when off.

  9. Training has been provided for the safe use of welding torches and equipment.

Overhead Cranes And Hoists

  1. Crane/hoist operators have completed training with EH&S.

  2. Chains and hoists are inspected in accordance with manufacturer's requirements.

  3. Load capacity signs are clearly posted.

  4. Crane/hoist and the lift path are properly barricaded.

  5. Hard hats are available and used during lifts.

  6. Rigging (e.g. slings, shackles, etc.) are in good condition.

Shop-Specific Equipment

  1. Shop has specific equipment for its type of operation (e.g. wood, metal, glass, etc.). Shopcomplies with all associated regulations for all machines.

Instructions on conducting a self-inspection using Inspect:

Self-inspections can be completed on a mobile device or desktop. To find out how to conduct a self-inspection on your desired device, see below.


How to Install Inspect

For iOS UsersFor Android Users
  1. Navigate to the App Store
  2. Search for “RSS Inspect”
  3. Select Install
  4. Launch the application
  5. Select your campus
  6. Log in with your CalNet credentials
  1. Navigate to the Google Play Store
  2. Search for “RSS Inspect”
  3. Select Install
  4. Launch the application
  5. Select your campus
  6. Log in with your CalNet credentials

How to conduct a self-inspection using Inspect

  1. Log into Inspect application using CalNet credentials.
  2. Select Start Inspection from the Home page. Choose UCB Shop Safety Self-Inspection from the dropdown menu and your shop's name as the Party to Inspect. Select Let’s Go.
  3. Select to create a finding for each question. Enter any comments and photos (if desired). Under the Status section, select Compliant (checkmark), Not Compliant (x symbol), or Not Applicable (N/A).
  4. Select Save at the upper right corner to save each finding.
  5. After answering all the questions, you may use the Notes section to add information or explain issues pertaining to the shop or overall inspection.
  6. Once all findings have been documented, select Save at the upper right corner to save the inspection.
  7. Select Submit Inspection on the Home page. Select the three dots next to your self-inspection to Submit as Draft (if you need to make edits at a later time) or Submit as Completed.

Need additional instructions? Check out the Inspect Mobile Demo videos or see screenshots:



  1. Log into Inspect using CalNet credentials.
  2. Select Start Inspection. Choose UCB Shop Safety Self-Inspection from the dropdown menu and your shop's name as the Party to Inspect. Select Let’s Go
    Inspect - desktop
  3. Select + Add Incident next to each question. Enter any comments and attachments (if desired). Under the Status section, select CompliantNot CompliantNot Applicable, or Corrected on Site.
    Inspect - desktop
  4. Select Save when you are done with the finding.
  5. After answering all the questions, you may use the Notes section to add information or explain issues pertaining to the shop or overall inspection. 
  6. Once you have finished the inspection, select Submit at the upper right of the page. 

Inspect Application