Lab Safety

Providing support, in the form of risk assessment, review, consultation(link sends e-mail), training, and the necessary resources and guidance for research at UC Berkeley.

Preventing Gas Cylinder Leaks

January 9, 2024

Leaking cylinders can pose serious hazards, including: oxygen displacement, release of toxic or other hazardous gas, and/or fire/explosion due to flammable or reactive gas release. If your lab works with compressed gas, please be aware that older cylinders are prone to leaking at the valve.

What to do

Please follow the precautions below to prevent gas cylinder leaks:

Remove or replace cylinders that are 10 years or older. Remove cylinders that are no longer in use. Most are returnable to the vendors (Linde, Airgas) with no charge. Check cylinders, regulators, piping, and valves...

Coming Soon: New BUA Process

December 12, 2023
Information for Biological Use Authorization (BUA) holders

We are modernizing the Biological Use Authorization (BUA) submission process by moving to the online UC Risk & Safety Solutions software system (“RSS BUA”).

RSS BUA improves the BUA submission process Easily add or remove information – for amendments or renewals. Easily address reviewer comments and questions found within the application. What to expect The biosafety team will transfer data from your BUA document into RSS BUA...

Important lab coat reminders

December 7, 2023
EH&S needs your extra lab coats!

When researchers leave the lab or the university, many lab coats are left behind and remain unused. This occupies valuable space and prevents EH&S from reissuing coats.

1. Return Surplus Lab Coats.

To sustain our campus-funded lab coat program, please return any surplus coats by following the instructions.

2. New lab coat laundry process

EH&S launched a new lab coat laundry process earlier this semester. Please...

Reminder: Complete lab safety self-inspections

September 14, 2024
Important Reminder for Principal Investigators and Laboratory Safety Coordinators Complete a self-inspection

Submit your self-inspection online through Inspect, an RSS web application.

Review the instructions on how to conduct a self-inspection...

Lab Decommissioning

Lab Equipment Decontamination Protocol Departments must identify equipment desired for release by creating a list for Equipment Management (contact: Department equipment listings must provide a BETS #, Serial #, building and room number of the equipment intended for release. Departments must also include: equipment history, associated chemical use, biological use or radiation use authorizations - where applicable. Verify and update equipment building, room and description to...

Nanoscale Materials Information Form

January 23, 2024

Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) is preparing the 2024 Manufactured Nanoscale Materials Disclosure for the City of Berkeley.

If you use nanoscale materials in your lab, and

a. you have never filled out the Nanoscale Materials Information Form,


b. you have begun using new nanoscale materials, or a new class of materials, in your lab,


Kelsey Mesa

Chemical Hygiene Officer / Lab Safety Specialist
Lab Safety
EH&S Inspections
Chemical Safety

Biological Use Authorization Application

Office of Environment, Health & Safety
Biological Use Authorization (BUA) Application Form

Principal Investigators (PIs) will need to submit a Biological Use Authorization (BUA) if working with biological agents including:

recombinant DNA synthetic nucleic acids WHO Risk Group 2 or higher pathogens biological toxins material of human or non-human primate origin, including cell lines

To determine if the agent you plan to work with is considered Risk Group 2 or higher, please reference the...

Lab Coat Storage Options

What are some lab coat storage options when space is an issue?

Space is tight for most labs on campus and the recent acquisition of multiple lab coats for every lab member is underscoring the issue. Clean lab coats can be folded and put away in a drawer until needed (remember to label the drawer for easy retrieval). Here are some storage options:

Lab Managers & Safety Coordinators

Laboratory managers and Laboratory Safety Coordinators (LSCs) are typically selected by a lab’s principal investigator, and serve a critical role with regards to lab safety. In many cases, the LSC is also the lab manager, though not always. LSCs serve as delegates for the principal investigator for many safety programs and applications including Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) and Inspect.