Electrical Safety Program


More than 3,600 disabling electrical contact injuries occur in the workplace and more than 2,000 workers are sent to burn centers with electric burns every year in the U.S.  Every day one person dies from electrical incidents.

The UC Berkeley Electrical Safety Program provides information about electrical hazards, guides University safe-work policy, electrical safety procedures, equipment design, development and installation for all electrical work, equipment and systems at UC Berkeley (UC Berkeley). All faculty, staff, students, visitors and contractors must comply with the requirements of this program as it ensures their safety by:

  • Defining safe work practices and use requirements for all people who work with electrically energized equipment as part of their normal job / research duties.

  • Establishing training requirements for qualifying and authorizing persons who work on or near energized electrical circuits and components, and establishing qualification requirements for UC Berkeley-hired electrical contractors.

  • Establishing a process for evaluating the hazards of every potentially energized electrical work task and for determining appropriate hazard controls.

  • Establishing a formal process for controlling energized electrical work through an assessment and documented Energized Work Permit approval process for Energized Work Permit Program.

Office of Environment, Health & Safety
Publication date: 
August 20, 2024
Publication type: 
Program Document