Fire Safety

Providing inspections, plan review, and code consultation; serving as a fire protection and life safety resource for all UC Berkeley-owned and occupied buildings.

Evacuating Campus Building Upon Activation of a Fire Alarm

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Evacuating Campus Building Upon Activation of a Fire Alarm - Fact Sheet

Contractor Safety Manual (English)

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

This manual is provided by the University of California, Berkeley as a guide to help construction contractors work on the UC Berkeley campus.

Construction contractors are responsible for their own safety program.

The topics highlighted in this manual are reminders and do not replace obligations provided by contract documents. Construction contractors must be aware of their own obligations to comply with local, state and federal regulations as applicable to their work activities on campus.

For clarification or further explanation, please contact your UC Berkeley Project...

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Library

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

A JSA describes job tasks in step-by-step fashion, identifies associated hazards at each step, and outlines proper hazard controls that minimize the risk of injury or illness to the individual(s) performing that task.

Campus Laboratory Safety Policies

The University of California, Berkeley is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for the campus community. Faculty, students, and other personnel in laboratories and other academic settings may work with hazardous materials, equipment, and processes. With regard to safety and environmental protection, this teaching, and research work is governed by state and federal regulations and University policies.

New UC Systemwide Laboratory Safety Policies...

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

EH&S Fact Sheets serve as campus-wide Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

Space Heaters

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Space Heaters in University Buildings Fact Sheet

The Fire Prevention Division of the Office of Environment, Health & Safety discourages University employees from using space heaters in their workplaces because of fire risks.

EH&S' Facilities/Equipment Decontamination Clearance Certification

Facilities/Equipment Decontamination Clearance Certification

The Principal Investigator (PI)/Supervisor is responsible for the indicated area or items, has assessed this location or equipment and determined that it can be released for reuse with no restrictions. This does not provide clearance for facilities or equipment containing lead paint or asbestos components.

Design Drawings Checklists

Design Drawings Checklists - Fire and Life