Building Safety

To keep campus buildings safe, building coordinators and alternates serve as important liaisons between the occupants of their building and various campus service and support units.

Asbestos Safety on The UC Berkeley Campus

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

EH&S assists the campus in complying with asbestos laws and regulations by assessing the potential risk from asbestos exposure and developing measures to control those exposures. In addition, EH&S together with Facilities Services (formerly PP-CS), responds to campus asbestos concerns, provides sampling, consults with contractors, and recommends corrective actions in emergency situations. Contact EH&S for training on asbestos hazards and for additional campus information, see the...

Kevin Keller

Environmental Construction Specialist
Environmental Protection
Construction Inspection
Contractor Services
Building Plans

Zoe Ladwig

Plans Examiner (Construction Inspector)
Fire Prevention
Construction Inspection
Building Plan Review

Equipment and Tool Safety

Providing resources and guidance for the safe use of tools by UC Berkeley personnel.

Get construction plans reviewed?

Plans Review

Regardless of cost or scope, all construction projects at UC Berkeley require consultation with the Campus Fire Marshal.

The Campus Fire Marshal’s office requires submittal of 100% construction documents for review and final approval with signature. A project manager may elect to submit any or all of the following drawings in earlier design phases for review and comment:

Preliminary Design Drawings

Schematic Design Drawings

Design Development...

How can I get soil sampled?

Soil sampling should be coordinated by contacting EH&S with at least 72 hour notice prior to the proposed sampling.
Contact the EH&S Construction Specialist at the EH&S main office at (510) 642-3073, or at

How long will it take to characterize soil for disposal?

In general, it takes at least one and potentially up to four weeks to complete characterization of soil for off-site disposal, although this can be accelerated in emergencies but at a greater cost. Soil sampling needs to be coordinated with at least 72 hours advance notice and can usually be completed in one day. Standard laboratory analysis turnaround time is 5-7 business days. Sample analysis can be expedited by paying a surcharge. A 24-hour turnaround normally adds a 100% surcharge to the base cost, two-day 75%, and three-day 50%.

For larger projects that need multiple...

Asbestos Safety

EH&S assists the campus in complying with asbestos laws and regulations by assessing the potential risk from asbestos exposure and developing measures to control those exposures. In addition, EH&S together with Facilities Services (formerly PP-CS), responds to campus asbestos concerns, provides sampling, consults with contractors, and recommends corrective actions in emergency situations.

Contact EH&S for training on asbestos hazards and for additional campus information see the...