Radiation survey meters are a great tool to locate contamination in the lab. The proper selection of a meter is important. The following outlines appropriate survey probes and procurement information. All of these probes can be attached to an appropriate ratemeter such as a Ludlum 3, Bicron Surveyor, and Radeye GX. NOTE: Please contact Radiation Safety before you purchase a new instrument so that we can confirm that we will be able to calibrate your equipment (or you may be required to send it back to the manufacturer for calibration).
Multi-purpose probe for alphas, betas, and gammas
Good geometry for determining contamination
Significant over-response at low energies
Procurement Examples: Ludlum 44-9, Bicron PGM
Multi-purpose probe for alphas, betas, and gammas
Lower efficiency for contamination than “pancake” due to geometry
Better gamma response and dose estimates
Procurement Examples: Ludlum 44-7, WBJ GP-200, Fluke Thin-End Window Probe
Probes are specific to radiation type (low energy gammas, x-rays, gammas, betas, etc.)
Proper selection and calibration is of the utmost importance
Can measure energy for spectrum analysis
Procurement Examples: Ludlum 44-2 & 44-3, Fluke 489-50, Bicron BC-400
Choosing the right radiation detection unit (USDA OHSEC)
Calibration and Repair of your Survey meter
Calibration and repair of instruments can be obtained from:
EH&S, Radiation Safety
Phone (510) 642-3073, E-mail: radsafety@berkeley.edu -
Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
501 Oak Street, Sweetwater TX 79556
Phone (800) 622-0828 -
Thermo-Fisher Scientific
Phone (800) 274-4212
UC Berkeley’s radioactive materials license requires each instrument to be calibrated at least once a year and after repair. When our records indicate that you have a meter(s) that is due for calibration, we will contact you to make arrangements to calibrate your instrument(s). Note that some meters will require calibration by an outside vendor. Make sure to also provide EH&S with a copy of the calibration paperwork that you receive from the vendor so that we can update our records.
Contact the Radiation Safety Team at email radsafety@berkeley.edu for information.