B. UC Berkeley, Radioactive Waste Requirements

Appendix B

This document contains information on radioactive waste collection, packaging, labeling, storage, and disposal. Users are required to make efforts to reduce the amount and activity of radioactive waste. These efforts will help provide a safe working environment, reduce the volume of waste generated by the campus, and decrease disposal costs.

Federal and state rules and regulations and the state-granted campus Radioactive Materials License provide requirements for radioactive material use and disposal. To assist you in meeting these requirements, the following information about the major campus radioactive waste categories are provided.

If you have any questions regarding radiation safety, radioactive waste packing/labeling, please call Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) at 510-642-3073.

The following are major campus radioactive waste categories, sub-categories, and references for radioactive waste disposal.

Radioactive Solid Waste - Dry Waste; Biohazardous Dry Waste; Biohazardous Sharps Waste; NonBiohazardous Sharps Waste; Biological Solid Waste

Radioactive Liquid Waste - Liquid Waste; Biological Liquid Waste; Biohazardous Liquid Waste; Mixed Waste; Liquid Stock Vials

Scintillation Waste - Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) Vials; LSC Standards; List of Biodegradable LSC Cocktails; Bulk Liquid Scintillation Fluids

Miscellaneous Radioactive Waste - Tritium (3H) Exit Signs and Smoke Detectors; Miscellaneous Radioactive Waste