Workplace Safety

The campuswide Workplace Safety Program serves as the university’s central program for creating a safe and healthful work environment. 


Forklift Safety Program - University of California, Berkeley

This program guides all aspects of the Forklift and Industrial Lift Truck Safety Program for the University of California at Berkeley. As mandated by Cal/OSHA and other regulatory compliance codes, this program guides compliance with, and application of, all legal requirements for UC Berkeley departments, field stations and work / research operations that use these types of equipment....

Narrow Aisle Truck

Forklift Safety Program - University of California, Berkeley

This program guides all aspects of the Forklift and Industrial Lift Truck Safety Program for the University of California at Berkeley. As mandated by Cal/OSHA and other regulatory compliance codes, this program guides compliance with, and application of, all legal requirements for UC Berkeley departments, field stations and work / research operations that use these types of equipment.


Electric Industrial Lift-Forklift Truck

Forklift Safety Program - University of California, Berkeley

This program guides all aspects of the Forklift and Industrial Lift Truck Safety Program for the University of California at Berkeley. As mandated by Cal/OSHA and other regulatory compliance codes, this program guides compliance with, and application of, all legal requirements for UC Berkeley departments, field stations and work / research operations that use these types of equipment.


High-lift Truck-Forklift Truck

Forklift Safety Program - University of California, Berkeley

This program guides all aspects of the Forklift and Industrial Lift Truck Safety Program for the University of California at Berkeley. As mandated by Cal/OSHA and other regulatory compliance codes, this program guides compliance with, and application of, all legal requirements for UC Berkeley departments, field stations and work / research operations that use these types of equipment.


Pallet Jack - Forklift and Industrial Work Trucks Safety Program

Forklift Safety Program - University of California, Berkeley

This program guides all aspects of the Forklift and Industrial Lift Truck Safety Program for the University of California at Berkeley. As mandated by Cal/OSHA and other regulatory compliance codes, this program guides compliance with, and application of, all legal requirements for UC Berkeley departments, field stations and work / research operations that use these types of equipment.


Karina Saravia-Butler

Communications & Program Manager
Communications & Outreach
New PI Orientation
Lab Safety
Database Management

How do I properly clean a lab or shop for deactivation?

Lab and shop deactivation is dependent on the history of work or research conducted in the space.

Chemical decontamination of spaces and equipment may be done by the following personnel:

Laboratory supervisors, researchers, or investigators who can effectively disinfect the equipment themselves and provide certification by signing EH&S’ Facilities/Equipment Decontamination Clearance Certification. Hazardous Materials contractors approved to provide such services to the campus, managed by EH...