Lab Safety

Providing support, in the form of risk assessment, review, consultation(link sends e-mail), training, and the necessary resources and guidance for research at UC Berkeley.

Hazard Communication

The EH&S Hazard Communication program seeks to help campus departments fulfill the requirements of Cal/OSHA Section 5194, also known as the "Employee Right-to-Know" law. The law requires employers to provide information on physical and health hazards of the materials employees use or come into contact with as part of their work. There are three basic components of the Hazard Communication standard:

Adequate labeling of all hazardous substances in the workplace Providing information such as Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for each hazardous...

Cryogenic Liquids: Precautions and Safe Handling Procedures

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Cryogenic liquids are extremely cold liquids that at normal temperature and pressure would be a gas. These very cold liquids provide a fluid media that is useful for researchers to preserve their sample materials and for laboratory experimental processes. This fact sheet provides a summary of the hazards and safe work practices for users of cryogens and can be referenced in the laboratory Chemical Hygiene Plan. The most common cryogens are nitrogen and helium.

Laboratory Ergonomics

University Health Services

Laboratory Ergonomics(link is external)
Whether you plan to work in a research lab for one semester or throughout your career, there are ways to protect yourself from ergonomic hazards common in laboratory settings. Learn about proper posture, pipetting, and other common ergonomic risk factors.

Exposure Control Plan - UC Berkeley

Office of Environment, Health & Safety
Biological Spills and Exposures

Follow procedures outlined in the lab’s Biological Use Authorization (BUA).

Exposure Control Plan

The UC Berkeley Exposure Control Plan (ECP) (PDF file) describes how to eliminate or minimize the exposure of all UC Berkeley personnel to human and nonhuman primate blood or blood products and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) that might contain bloodborne pathogens (BBPs).

Also see:...

One Glove Policy

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Working Close During COVID-19

July 8, 2021

If unvaccinated people need to work closer than 6-feet apart for lab work, training, maintenance or other activities with others, the following process needs to be applied:

Participants shall be current for all required campus training and COVID-19 testing. Think creatively about all available options. Can it be done by Zoom? Are there portions that don't require close proximity work? Is there an alternate methodology? If close proximity work cannot be eliminated, unvaccinated persons should wear their cloth face mask or a properly fitted N95 for voluntary use (voluntary N95 use...

Samuel Chiang

Project & Communications Coordinator
Communications & Outreach

Contact Hazard, response

Emergency Response
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Environment, Health & Safety – Emergency Response
Responding To A Known Contact Hazard

Mixing Ceramic Glazes

ASUC Auxiliary Art Studio

Glazes, mixing

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Laser Template

Lasers-Class 3B or 4
Standard Operating Procedure

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) outlines requirements to be considered by an authorized user of the Type of Laser(s) or experiment as well as describes the normal operation of the laser and any hazards that may be encountered during normal operation. Finally, the SOP explains how to minimize any hazards and how to respond in an emergency situation. This document is to be reviewed one year from the date of approval or as conditions warrant, whichever is the shorter time period.