Field Research

Safely working and conducting research outdoors, off-campus, and abroad.

Encounters with Dangerous Animals and Plants

James McCabe

This workshop at UCLA includes a review of common species of venomous and poisonous animals and plants found in the Western United States and covers basic first aid, precautions, necessary field equipment and site preparation (i.e.: PPE, first aid kits, safe animal handling equipment, etc.) as well as communication and transportation considerations. Please note that we don't encourage handling animals in the wild!

Speaker: James...

Off-Road Driving: Lessons Learned & Precautions

Breezy Jackson
Steven Devanzo
Brett Pickering
Geoff Davis

Panel discussion on lessons learned & precautions to take during off-road driving.


Breezy Jackson, Director, Yosemite & Sequoia Field Stations, University of California Merced

Geoff Davis, Network & Systems Engineer, Geophysics & Planetary Physics, University of California San Diego

Steven Devanzo, Operations Manager, White Mountain Research Center, University of California Los Angeles

Brett Pickering, Boating Safety Officer, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of...

Behavioral First Response Skills for the Field

Curt Davidson

Foundational elements from Alpenglow’s Mental and Behavioral Health Promotion Model for behavioral first response in the field.

Speaker: Dr. Curt Davidson, Alpenglow Education, University of Wyoming

Video Materials Got Feedback? 05/03/23 Recording Presentation...

Setting Boundaries for Personal Empowerment

Nicole Snell

Foundations of safety, verbal strategies, and steps to setting boundaries for personal empowerment.

Speaker: Nicole Snell, Outdoor Defense, Girls Fight Back

Video Materials Got Feedback? 05/17/23 Recording - N/A

(Available only to UC registrants through 05/29/23)

Handout Evaluate
(Select "Field Safety")

NSF Safe & Inclusive Fieldwork Handout

Sara Souza

Safe & Inclusive Off-Campus Research

A written plan is required per the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) 23-1 for NSF-funded research.

Working in Hot Weather: Reminders for Employees & Supervisors

June 29, 2023

It’s summertime and warmer temperatures are returning. The National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory for the region starting Friday. Heat can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. It is important to take precautions and to be prepared for high heat conditions. Please share this information with supervisors and employees in your department that work outdoors or may be exposed to high temperatures indoors during their workday.

Outdoor work when temperature exceeds 80°F

Workers performing job duties outside...

COVID-19: Precautions and considerations for travel or fieldwork

August 16, 2022
Institutional Review For international travel, follow CDC guidance and the two-step approval process posted on the UC Berkeley Global Engagement website. General precautions and considerations: Symptoms Stay home if sick with a fever or cough or close contact with COVID cases within the last 14 days. Travel Registration Remind all participants to register travel via UC Away. ...

UC Berkeley Field Safety Plan

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

A field safety plan serves as a tool to document your hazard assessment, communication plan, emergency procedures, and training. This plan should identify hazards, as well as precautions and actions taken to address and mitigate those hazards.

Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research

The National Science Foundation (NSF) requires plans for safe & inclusive off-campus and off-site research, effective January 30, 2023.

A written plan is required per the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) 23-1 for NSF-funded research; see NSF PAPPG (2023)

The plan must describe how the following types of behavior...