Environmental Protection

Helping to protect and enhance the campus environment and providing permit and compliance management services.

Sewer System Management Plans

Wastewater generated at UC Berkeley is conveyed through our sanitary sewer collection systems and eventually flows to EBMUD's wastewater treatment plant in Oakland prior to discharge to the San Francisco Bay.

The Waste Discharge Requirements Order No. 2022-0103-DWQ adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board regulates sanitary sewer systems greater than one mile in length (each individual sanitary sewer system).

UC Berkeley maintains regulatory coverage for three collection systems:

Sewer System Management Plans


Sewer System Management Plan

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP)

Richmond Field Station - SSMP

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Richmond Field Station (formerly Berkeley Global Campus at Richmond Bay)

Sewer System Management Plan

Best Management Practices for Fats, Oils and Grease

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Residual fats, oils and grease (FOG) are by-products of food preparation. Typically, FOG enters a facility’s plumbing system from ware washing, floor cleaning, and equipment sanitation. Sanitary sewer systems are neither designed nor equipped to handle the FOG that accumulates on the interior of the municipal sewer collection system pipes. Severe accumulations of FOG can lead to sewer overflows that expose the public to raw sewage and the potential for infection from contact with sewage. The best way to manage FOG is to keep the material out of the plumbing systems. The following are...

Get construction plans reviewed?

Plans Review

Regardless of cost or scope, all construction projects at UC Berkeley require consultation with the Campus Fire Marshal.

The Campus Fire Marshal’s office requires submittal of 100% construction documents for review and final approval with signature. A project manager may elect to submit any or all of the following drawings in earlier design phases for review and comment:

Preliminary Design Drawings

Schematic Design Drawings

Design Development...

Storage Tanks

Any container of oil, fuel, or oil like substances, of 55 gallons or greater including steel and plastic drums, must be made known to EH&S upon receipt on campus.

If you would like more information on campus tank installation, operation, and spill prevention or need assistance with the services below, please contact ehs-ep@berkeley.edu.


Campus Storage Tank Policy


Workplace Safety

California state regulations require every employer to establish, implement and maintain an effective Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). In August 2017, the University adopted a campuswide Workplace Safety Program that serves as the University’s central IIPP for creating a safe and healthful work environment. Having one program for the whole University helps to improve access, consistency, and usability across all departments. EH&S is the responsible department for overseeing the campuswide Workplace Safety Program. The campus Workplace Safety Program is based on the Injury...

Sharon Harichandran

Environmental Specialist
Environmental Protection

Standby Generator Sets

For more information about purchasing, permitting, particulate filters and other issues:
Contact Miranda Monge at EH&S (mirandam17@berkeley.edu).

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