May 26, 2020
Guidance for Campus Food Facilities
To reduce the risk of virus transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic, food facilities must follow guidance from the California Department of Public Health (PDF file)(link is external) and establish a written Workplace - Specific Plan that includes Control Measures and Screening, Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols, and Physical Distancing Guidelines.
Key points:
- Assign one employee as the person responsible for implementing the plan at each food facility.
- Train your employees on the plan. EH&S is developing a general coronavirus awareness training for all campus employees, but food facilities need to ensure their employees understand site-specific guidance you develop.
- Facility managers should evaluate their locations for compliance with the plan, and document corrective actions or deficiencies. They should also investigate any COVID-19 illness and determine if work-related factors could have contributed. An Injury and Illness Reporting (IIR) Tool(link is external) should be filed for the ill employee if COVID-19 infection is confirmed.
- NOTE: This only applies to UC Berkeley employees. Privately-operated food facilities should notify UC Berkeley EH&S if one of their employees tests positive for COVID-19.
- At this time, there is no campus requirement to check employee temperatures before entering a facility, or dining patrons, unless you decide to do this as an organization. Infra-red thermometers can be inconsistent and problematic. However, it is very important that employees are aware of the symptoms of COVID-19 and self-screen before they come to work. If they get sick while at work, they should immediately leave work and report the illness to their supervisor (follow additional instructions here).
- Post signs at dining location entrances to remind guests not to enter the facility if they are symptomatic.
- Provide hand sanitizers at facility entry.
- At this time, all dining patrons must wear face coverings except when eating and drinking.
- Please note additional PPE requirements for dishwashers in the CDPH document. Do not leave exterior facility doors open unless you have functioning air curtain devices above the doors.
- Limit table seating as best you can; encourage take-out options. You might consider table signs that reinforce "maintain your space". Household members can sit together.
- Entry and exit doors should be designated specifically for entry or exit to avoid customers passing by each other. You may have to mark sidewalks outside facilities where people will line up to enter with 6 foot spacing.
Local Health Department Contact:
Patrick Kaulback, UC Berkeley EH&S, sends e-mail).