Fall Protection

In 2009, nationally there were fatal 520 falls, while in California there were 54 fatal falls of which 41 would have been prevented with adequate fall protection. Cal/OSHA has Fall Protection Safety regulations that ensure safe-work activities when the possibility of falling is present. The University of California, Berkeley (UCB) has developed this Fall Protection Safety Program to manage the safe selection, procurement, use of and safe work practices, inspection, and record-keeping of all fall protection equipment (FPE). Included are guidelines for identification and correction of locations with fall hazards that endanger employees, students, and the public.

The Fall Protection Safety Program applies to any department on campus, at field stations, or on leased property where any type of activities could result in injuries from falls. Roles and responsibilities are detailed for users of FPE (including fulltime employees, contract employees and fallprotect2.jpggraduate students performing research related activities in field stations and remote research facilities) as well as those of EH&S in managing this program, and “Owner Departments” that purchase, maintain and manage an inventory of fall protection equipment, and train their personnel on its safe use and proper care.
