Workplace Safety

The campuswide Workplace Safety Program serves as the university’s central program for creating a safe and healthful work environment. 

Asbestos Safety

EH&S assists the campus in complying with asbestos laws and regulations by assessing the potential risk from asbestos exposure and developing measures to control those exposures. In addition, EH&S together with Facilities Services (formerly PP-CS), responds to campus asbestos concerns, provides sampling, consults with contractors, and recommends corrective actions in emergency situations.

Contact EH&S for training on asbestos hazards and for additional campus information see the...

General Self-Assessment Form (word)

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

This self-assessment form should be used to document safety assessments in large office suites, areas with multiple cubicles, copy rooms, coffee rooms, and other common work areas. It should not be used for individual offices, nor for non-administrative areas such as shops, laboratories, and areas containing any hazardous materials.

General Self-Assessment Form (pdf)

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

This self-assessment form should be used to document safety assessments in large office suites, areas with multiple cubicles, copy rooms, coffee rooms, and other common work areas. It should not be used for individual offices, nor for non-administrative areas such as shops, laboratories, and areas containing any hazardous materials.

Office Self-Assessment Form (word)

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

This self-assessment form should be used to document safety assessments of individual offices. It should not be used for general administrative areas such as large office suites, areas with multiple cubicles, copy rooms, coffee rooms, and other common work areas, nor for non-administrative areas such as shops, laboratories, and areas containing any hazardous materials.

Office Self-Assessment Form (pdf)

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

This self-assessment form should be used to document safety assessments of individual offices. It should not be used for general administrative areas such as large office suites, areas with multiple cubicles, copy rooms, coffee rooms, and other common work areas, nor for non-administrative areas such as shops, laboratories, and areas containing any hazardous materials.

Muzna Rauf

Environmental Health Specialist, REHS
Food Facilities
Event Safety
Food & Water Safety
Field Research

Patrick Kaulback

Assistant Manager, Health & Safety; REHS
Workplace Safety
Shop Safety
Food & Water Safety
Food Facilities
Event Safety

Risk of Fire Notice: Recall of SMC Oscillating Fans

September 12, 2022

On Friday, September 9, 2022, Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) responded to a fire incident at 2000 Carleton Street resulting from a defect in a recalled “SMC” brand pedestal oscillating floor fans.

What happened?

On the morning of September 9th, a pedestal floor fan used in the mailroom of the facilities services building suddenly ignited itself, without an external catalyst, and started burning. Upon noticing the flames coming from the fan, an employee located a portable fire extinguisher and put the fire out. On scene investigation determined that...

Respiratory Protection

EH&S evaluates workplaces for possible airborne hazards and recommends ways to reduce these hazards when found. When appropriate, EH&S will fit campus workers with respirators and provide annual training on their proper use. This program is administered in cooperation with University Health Services. UHS evaluates a person's ability to safely wear a respirator prior to a respirator being issued. For more information contact EH&S at

Do not...

Wildfire Smoke Monitoring Information

Access Campus Air Quality Map

Air quality may change quickly depending on wildfire intensity and weather conditions. The Campus Air Quality Map is updated hourly and...