Workplace Safety

The campuswide Workplace Safety Program serves as the university’s central program for creating a safe and healthful work environment. 

Risk of Fire Notice: Recall of SMC Oscillating Fans

September 12, 2022

On Friday, September 9, 2022, Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) responded to a fire incident at 2000 Carleton Street resulting from a defect in a recalled “SMC” brand pedestal oscillating floor fans.

What happened?

On the morning of September 9th, a pedestal floor fan used in the mailroom of the facilities services building suddenly ignited itself, without an external catalyst, and started burning. Upon noticing the flames coming from the fan, an employee located a portable fire extinguisher and put the fire out. On scene investigation determined that...

Respiratory Protection

EH&S evaluates workplaces for possible airborne hazards and recommends ways to reduce these hazards when found. When appropriate, EH&S will fit campus workers with respirators and provide annual training on their proper use. This program is administered in cooperation with University Health Services. UHS evaluates a person's ability to safely wear a respirator prior to a respirator being issued. For more information contact EH&S at

Do not...

Wildfire Smoke Monitoring Information

Access Campus Air Quality Map

Air quality may change quickly depending on wildfire intensity and weather conditions. The Campus Air Quality Map is updated hourly and...

AQI‐Based Decision‐Making Matrix for Wildfire Smoke Events

University of California
Systemwide Air Quality Protocol Working Group
Making AQI-Based Decisions

University of California AQI‐Based Decision‐Making Matrix for Wildfire Smoke Events (Version 1.1)

The matrix is designed to help UC campus leaders have a consistent approach to decision-making when wildfire smoke conditions result in worsening, unhealthy air quality. It does not apply if there is a direct threat of wildfire and/or other significant hazard to the location, or for smog‐related air quality conditions...

What is the role of the Lab Worker?

Once added by their PI/Delegate, Lab Workers receive an email invitation to register with the LHAT. They log in and review their hazard assessment and list of recommended PPE. They make an appointment for a PPE fitting, print out their voucher and bring it to their PPE fitting appointment.

How does a worker get their name added to the LHAT?

All lab member names listed in the...

What is the role of a Principal Investigator (PI)?

PIs must begin the LHAT process for their research group by logging in to the LHAT; they can choose to do the hazard assessment themselves or assign a delegate to do it. After all hazard assessment questions are answered, the PI certifies that the LHAT is complete. This gives lab members access to the list of recommended PPE.

What can only the PI do?

"Add a lab group" – it’s common for some lab members to do work that is different from what other members of the group do and they might need different PPE. For example a chemistry research...

What is the role of the Delegate?

The Delegate acts on behalf of the PI to manage the list of lab members and complete the hazard assessment. The Delegate should be knowledgeable about what types of work are done and hazards are present in the lab. Most PIs choose their lab manager or lab safety contact to be the Delegate. There can be more than one delegate.

Can I do everything a PI does?

Once assigned as a Delegate by your PI, you have access to all PI functionality except certifying the hazard assessment and adding lab groups.

The Delegate is generally the lab safety...

Monkeypox (Mpox/MPX) Awareness and Safety Information for UC Berkeley Employees

August 15, 2022

The risk of getting infected with Monkeypox (Mpox/MPX) is very low for the general public. However, as this comes on the heels of the Coronavirus and all the public health concerns that it has raised, it’s important to get informed about the risks of MPXand what you can do to protect yourself.

The campus Workplace Safety Program empowers and expects all employees to integrate health and safety considerations into their decisions and activities. Managers and supervisors have...

UC Systemwide Monkeypox (Mpox/MPX) Guidance

University of California of the President

The following guidance is based on what is currently known about Monkeypox (Mpox/MPX) and is intended for University of California campus locations (including ANR, LBNL and UCOP locations). It is based on MPX-specific factors and characteristics including but not limited to mode of transmission, morbidity and mortality, vaccine availability, and healthcare capacity. University locations should maintain flexibility in their response to MPX and be ready to adjust rapidly to a change in public health conditions....

Monkeypox (Mpox/MPX), Facilities Services

Office of Environment, Health & Safety
Facilities Services

Monkeypox (Mpox/MPX) Illness Prevention - Facilities Services Custodial Services, Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

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