Workplace Safety

The campuswide Workplace Safety Program serves as the university’s central program for creating a safe and healthful work environment. 

Cal/OSHA Standards Board Adopts Final Revision to Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS)

April 26, 2022

Cal/OSHA recently made its third and final revision to the COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard. The Campus COVID-19 Prevention Plan is being updated accordingly. The new ETS will go into effect on May 6 and will remain in effect through December 31, 2022.

The latest notable...

Waste Disposal

The Office of Environment, Health & Safety maintains a Hazardous Waste Program (HWP) to develop hazard waste disposal procedures, provide orientation to campus personnel, monitor departmental hazardous waste operations, receive departmental waste and dispose of the waste, and evaluate all hazardous waste disposal activities.

Office Safety Fact Sheet

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Your office may seem like a harmless place to work, but it may contain potential hazards. Identifying the dangers and correcting the problems can help ensure a safe work environment.

This document will provide a brief introduction to the topic and highlight unique features and/or safety considerations. Additional information about office safety can be found through the University Health Services’ Be Well at Work Faculty and Staff Health Program, and on the...

Jeremy Hamilton

Associate Industrial Hygienist
Workplace Safety
Indoor Air Quality

Kilns and Furnaces

ASUC Auxiliary

Operating Ceramic Kilns - Job Safety Analysis (JSA)