Shop Safety

Policies, procedures, and training materials for any type of shop-work activities.

Laser Safety

Ensuring the safe use of lasers, laser systems, and non-ionizing radiation sources. How Do I: collapse all expand all Get authorized to use a laser? Please go to the UC Learning Center and enroll in the course titled...

Machine Guarding Program

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

The Machine Guarding Program describes various types of physical guards, interlocks and safeguarding methods for facilities and research machinery / equipment. This program can assist you in identifying the hazardous parts of a machine, determining the need for safeguards, and obtaining or fabricating the necessary guards.

Download Machine Guarding Program Document

Department Safety Coordinators

Department Safety Coordinators (DSCs) are a vital part of the campus safety structure, coordinating, implementing, and documenting safety practices in departments across campus.

Elijah Aquino

Health & Safety Specialist
Workplace Safety
Indoor Air Quality
Hearing Conservation

Resources and Guides

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

A JSA describes job tasks in step-by-step fashion, identifies associated hazards at each step, and outlines proper hazard controls that minimize the risk of injury or illness to the individual(s) performing that task.

JSAs Listed by Topic: Body Mechanics ...

Important: New UC Chemical Inventory Requirements

March 20, 2024

In response to a directive from the UC Office of the President on December 15, 2023, Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) will be working closely with campus departments to establish appropriate practices for both initial tagging and ongoing maintenance of chemical inventories as part of multiyear implementation of UCOP’s ...

Ingrid Castro Rodriguez

Associate Director for Health & Safety
Health & Safety
Controlled Substances

Principal Investigators

Principal Investigators (PIs) must ensure the safety of work assignments and work spaces, assign safety training related to hazards, provide safety procedures and equipment, correct identified hazards (where practicable), look into the causes of incidents and take action to prevent similar incidents, and discuss safety in regular meetings and performance reviews.

Shop Safety Self-inspections Due May 1, 2024

March 21, 2024

The annual shop safety self-inspection period is here! As a reminder, shops are asked to conduct self-inspections each year to supplement EH&S inspections in order to promote safety awareness and safe work practices.

Important Update Expanded Shop Safety Checklist The inspection checklist has expanded to include additional safety considerations for a more thorough safety inspection. Be prepared to spend more time conducting the self-inspections. There are now 10 safety categories, which includes a total of 83 items to check as part of the self-inspection. Review the...

Shop Safety Self-Inspections

Each year, shop managers (or their delegates) are asked to conduct shop self-inspections. The topics covered are designed to supplement inspections conducted by EH&S to facilitate safety awareness and ownership within the shop.

Compliance Requirement

Self-inspections are a requirement of the campus Workplace Safety Program and Policy.

2024 Shop Safety Self-Inspections

Complete a...