Personal Protective Equipment for Lab and Shops

Needles and Sharps: Safe Handling, Injury Response and Disposal

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

A sharp is any device with corners, edges, or projections capable of cutting or piercing. Sharps include,
but are not limited to, the following:

Needles Needles with syringes and attached tubing Blades (razors, scalpels and X-acto®) Glass pasteur pipettes Broken glass, glass slides, and coverslips

Workplace Safety

California state regulations require every employer to establish, implement and maintain an effective Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). In August 2017, the University adopted a campuswide Workplace Safety Program that serves as the University’s central IIPP for creating a safe and healthful work environment. Having one program for the whole University helps to improve access, consistency, and usability across all departments. EH&S is the responsible department for overseeing the campuswide Workplace Safety Program. The campus Workplace Safety Program is based on the Injury...

New PPE Fitting Location

February 21, 2023

The following announcement was sent to Lab Safety Coordinators and Department Safety Coordinators.

What's New?

The personal protective equipment (PPE) fitting room has relocated to Physics North, Room 156

About PPE Fitting

The PPE fitting room is where EH&S fits new researchers for lab coats and eyewear, as well as where PPE is picked up post-appointment. Previously, appointments were held in University Hall.

New researchers are notified of this...

How do I get my lab coat, safety glasses, or splash goggles?

Get added to your lab’s roster on Labs At Berkeley (L@B). Ask a member of your group to add you to the lab roster. See Instructions for using L@B. Acknowledge the hazards in your lab using Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (...


COVID-19 Guidance and Resources for Research EHS 207 Protecting Workers Required Training Lab Research Ramp-Up Planning Laboratory Start-Up Guidelines Research Ramp-Up SOP Template Researcher Guide to Routine Sanitizing and Housekeeping Laboratory Ramp Down Checklist Cloth Face Covering Guidance for Labs Lab Spot Check Inspections Working Close During COVID-19 Field Research: Precautions and considerations for travel or fieldwork

N95 Respirator Voluntary Use Training

Risk & Safety Training, University of California

Information and Training for Employees Regarding the Use of Respirators

Download N95 Respirators Guidance - English (PDF) Download N95 Respirators Guidance - Spanish (PDF)

This information is based Cal/OSHA's regulation for worker use of respirators (Title 8 CCR.5144).

Respiratory Protection

EH&S evaluates workplaces for possible airborne hazards and recommends ways to reduce these hazards when found. When appropriate, EH&S will fit campus workers with respirators and provide annual training on their proper use. This program is administered in cooperation with University Health Services. UHS evaluates a person's ability to safely wear a respirator prior to a respirator being issued. For more information contact EH&S at ehs@berkeley.edu.

Do not...

Does my lab coat fit properly?

It is important that your lab coat fits properly so it can protect you as designed. There are three main things to check:

Body Fit:

All lab coat buttons close. Arms can move freely. The lab coat fits well around the torso and hips. The lab coat fits comfortably.

Coat Length:

The lab coat hangs near the knee.

Sleeve Length:

Sleeves hang above the thumb tip while arms are hanging at sides. With arms in a working pose, sleeves cover the wrist and reach the edge of the gloves.

If your lab coat needs altered (shorter...