David Conrod

FPS: Hazardous Materials Specialist
Fire Prevention
Hazardous Materials

Russ Blackmar

Chemical Inventory Specialist
Chemical Inventory
Chemical Safety
Hazardous Materials
Lab Safety

Unknowns Questionnaire


For disposal of unknowns, fill out template as completely as possible to communicate known hazards and relevant information to EH&S, or describe in comments as appropriate. Print and attach to each bottle for pickup.

Please log into the Hazardous Waste Program (HWP) to create a waste label and request a pickup.

New Chemical Inventory Requirements

July 12, 2024

Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) is in the process of tagging all chemicals in all buildings on campus in response to new chemical inventory requirements issued by the UC Office of the President (also see MAQ project page).

Town Halls: Introduction to chemical tagging

EH&S is hotsting virtual town halls throughout the...

What chemicals will be tagged?

Chemicals that need to be tagged include, but are not limited to:

chemicals in manufacturer bottles compressed gases liquefied gases hazardous commercial products

Our team will work with you to determine any other chemicals that need to be tagged.

What are Maximum Allowable Quantities (MAQ)?

Maximum Allowable Quantities are maximum limits of storage and use of hazardous chemicals as established by the California Fire Code to ensure fire and life safety of occupants and first responders. MAQs will depend on the quantities, types and physical state of hazardous materials. It will also depend on building characteristics.

In the coming years, the university will conduct an analysis of MAQ levels in all buildings across campus, which will depend on complete and accurate chemical inventories.

How do we dispose of unwanted waste?

Before tagging begins, take an hour or two to sort through your chemicals and separate unwanted waste. Centralize waste in a secure location with secondary containment. Our hazardous waste team will pick up the waste separately either the day of tagging or up to 3 business days after.

How can I prepare for tagging?

Review the items within the pre-tagging checklist

EH&S has a standard process of conducting a walkthrough of spaces in the week(s) before tagging begins. More information will be provided during the walkthroughs and within the email correspondence to set up those meetings.

What if the tag doesn't stick to chemical containers?

Tags will have difficulty adhering to containers with condensation. Dry the container before affixing the tag. If there are other factors preventing tag adhesion, reach out to EH&S at for advice.

Will chemical tagging occur during the walkthrough?

No. Tagging will occur generally a week after the walkthrough. Our team will work with you to schedule your tagging appointment(s).