Lab Safety

Providing support, in the form of risk assessment, review, consultation(link sends e-mail), training, and the necessary resources and guidance for research at UC Berkeley.

Ingrid Castro Rodriguez

Associate Director for Health & Safety
Health & Safety
Controlled Substances

Kim Hunter

PPE Coordinator
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Lab Safety (Gloves, Lab Coats, Goggles)
Shop Safety (Gloves, Face Shields, N95 Masks, Respirators)
COVID-19: Face Coverings

Principal Investigators

Principal Investigators (PIs) must ensure the safety of work assignments and work spaces, assign safety training related to hazards, provide safety procedures and equipment, correct identified hazards (where practicable), look into the causes of incidents and take action to prevent similar incidents, and discuss safety in regular meetings and performance reviews.

New labs

How do I set up a new lab?

Note: Your department's Department Safety Coordinator (DSC) may have their own practices and guidelines. It is strongly suggested that you contact them for guidance. Not sure who your DSC is? Use the "Who's your DSC?" tool to find out!

Getting Started Email to have your new lab set up in our database. If you are a new Principal Investigator,...

Ren Ramos

Lab Inspection Program Coordinator / Lab Safety Specialist
Lab Safety
EH&S Inspections

Chemical Safety

Chemical SafetyHow Do I: collapse all expand all Store chemicals safely?

The safe storage of hazardous chemicals is an essential part of an environmental, health, and safety program. Chemical storage...

Lab Inspections

Lab Safety General Lab Safety Inspection Program

EH&S lab safety specialists inspect labs with hazardous materials or operations. Labs within the College of Chemistry are inspected twice per year and all other labs annually. During inspections, lab safety specialists help researchers stay abreast of current safety requirements by providing consultation, support, and resources. Inspection...

Chemical Abbreviation Guide

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

All containers (including beakers, flasks and vials) must be clearly labeled with the contents and a hazard indication. Labs may use abbreviations as long as a guide is posted in the space. Please use this template to capture all chemical abbreviations for a material. Below are some common examples. Extend the list as necessary. Post in a visible location in each lab room. Near the door may be best. If you use a large variety of chemicals in multiple spaces, you can use the same list in all rooms as long as the list is comprehensive.

If you have questions about chemical...

Campus Committees

Certain high-hazard activities and equipment require additional safety training and written pre-approval. Faculty-led committees issue use authorizations for high hazard activities to ensure the work is safe and monitored appropriately. These include:

collapse all expand all Laboratory Operations & Safety Committee

Summary of Charges

The campus Laboratory Operations...

Preventing Gas Cylinder Leaks

January 9, 2024

Leaking cylinders can pose serious hazards, including: oxygen displacement, release of toxic or other hazardous gas, and/or fire/explosion due to flammable or reactive gas release. If your lab works with compressed gas, please be aware that older cylinders are prone to leaking at the valve.

What to do

Please follow the precautions below to prevent gas cylinder leaks:

Remove or replace cylinders that are 10 years or older. Remove cylinders that are no longer in use. Most are returnable to the vendors (Linde, Airgas) with no charge. Check cylinders, regulators, piping, and valves...