Equipment and Tool Safety

Providing resources and guidance for the safe use of tools by UC Berkeley personnel.


UC Printing Services
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Operating a Milling Machine - Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

(Word) (PDF)

Operating a 14-Inch Radial Arm Saw

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Facilities Services: Operating A 14-Inch Radial Arm Saw

Radial Arm Saw, 14 inch

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Shops

Please contact the PPE coordinator at or by calling (510) 642-3073 if you have any questions or comments about personal protective equipment for your shop.

Employee's Toes Crushed by Falling Compressed Gas Cylinder

March 31, 2007
What Happened?

In February 2007, a University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) researcher was loading a gas cylinder on a two-cylinder cart when the previously loaded cylinder fell and crushed his toes.

What was the cause of the accident? What were the contributing factors?

The most likely cause of this accident is the fact that this two-cylinder cart had no means to secure both cylinders independently. Therefore, when positioning the second cylinder on the cart, there was no way to secure the first cylinder. Loading the second cylinder puts the...

UC Printing Services: Operating a Saw-Out Machine

Office of Environment, Health & Safety
UC Printing Services

Operating a Saw-Out Machine, UC Printing Services

UC Printing Services: Operation of The Rollem Score/Numbering Machine

UC Printing Services
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Operation of The Rollem Score/Numbering Machine, UC Printing Services

UC Printing Services: Shrinkwrap

UC Printing Services
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Operation of the Hanagata Shrinkwrap - UC Printing Services

Using Hand Tools

Department of Recreational Sports
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Using Hand Tools, Recreational Sports - Maintenance

Three Knife Trimmer

UC Printing Services
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Operationof Muller Martini Merit Three-Knifer Trimmer - UC Printing Services

Drums, moving, empty

Office of Environment, Health & Safety