Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) is a web-based application that enables researchers to identify hazards in their labs or research areas. Upon completion of LHAT, you will receive a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) recommendation voucher—based on your lab’s assessment—that will make you eligible for the EH&S free PPE giveaway program.

Questions about your hazard assessment or LHAT?

If you are a PI and have concerns about the activities that will be performed in your lab, please consult with your campus EH&S office. If you are a Lab Worker and have concerns about the activities that will be performed in your lab, please discuss with your PI directly, and consult with your campus EH&S office, as needed. If you have questions about the LHAT system, please contact the UC ERM Service Desk

How do I access the LHAT?

Students and Employees (PIs, graduate students, postdocs, and undergraduates)

Access the LHAT system by entering your campus email. You will be immediately directed to the UC Berkeley authentication service. Then log in using your CalNet ID and password.

Not a Student or Employee (volunteers, LBL employees, most visiting scholars)

To access the LHAT securely, you must have a campus-assigned Single Sign-On username and password. For this, you must request a CalNet affiliate account. To request an affiliate...

What is the LHAT?

The Laboratory Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) is a web-based application that enables researchers to identify hazards in their labs/research areas. When completed it provides a list of personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary for lab members to wear when working with hazardous materials/processes.

What is the role of the Lab Worker?

Once added by their PI/Delegate, Lab Workers receive an email invitation to register with the LHAT. They log in and review their hazard assessment and list of recommended PPE. They make an appointment for a PPE fitting, print out their voucher and bring it to their PPE fitting appointment.

How does a worker get their name added to the LHAT?

All lab member names listed in the...

What is the role of the Delegate?

The Delegate acts on behalf of the PI to manage the list of lab members and complete the hazard assessment. The Delegate should be knowledgeable about what types of work are done and hazards are present in the lab. Most PIs choose their lab manager or lab safety contact to be the Delegate. There can be more than one delegate.

Can I do everything a PI does?

Once assigned as a Delegate by your PI, you have access to all PI functionality except certifying the hazard assessment and adding lab groups.

The Delegate is generally the lab safety...

What is the role of a Principal Investigator (PI)?

PIs must begin the LHAT process for their research group by logging in to the LHAT; they can choose to do the hazard assessment themselves or assign a delegate to do it. After all hazard assessment questions are answered, the PI certifies that the LHAT is complete. This gives lab members access to the list of recommended PPE.

What can only the PI do?

"Add a lab group" – it’s common for some lab members to do work that is different from what other members of the group do and they might need different PPE. For example a chemistry research...

Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT)

Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) is a web-based application that enables researchers to identify hazards in their labs or research areas. Upon completion of LHAT, you will receive a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) recommendation voucher—based on your lab’s assessment—that will make you eligible for the EH&S free PPE giveaway program.

Note: It may take up to a day for roster changes on L@B to reflect on LHAT. Please contact service@...