There are more than 50 shops on campus and at field stations that conduct work in support of research and maintenance activities. Work includes model-building, carpentry, machine building, electrical/electronics, concrete work, glass blowing, metal working, vehicle maintenance and more. The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) has developed this Shop Safety Program to manage the hazards associated with various shops and their work activities to comply with Cal-OSHA and other regulations concerning shops.
This program applies to any department on campus, at field stations, or on leased property where any type of shop-work activities are conducted by employees and other personnel using University shops. Included are work activities conducted by temporary employees and graduate students performing research at field stations and remote research facilities. It does not apply to Facilities Services (formerly PP-CS) or RSSP as both these departments manage and maintain their own Shop Safety Programs.
A department owning shop(s) is responsible for the integration of this program and its prescribed activities into their business operations. In addition, Owner Departments must assign a department representative to attend the "Campus Shop Safety Committee" meetings, must provide training to their personnel as required by this program, must keep the records of training and authorization of personnel, and must perform annual shop self-assessments and correct unsafe conditions identified in any shop under their ownership.