For more information about purchasing, permitting, registration and other issues:
Contact Miranda Monge at EH&S (
Boiler Specifications
It is crucial that you contact EH&S before purchasing your boiler to ensure that it meets current emission requirements. If a boiler is purchased that does not meet emissions criteria, it cannot be permitted and installed.
Choose a boiler that meets your needs.
- Heat Rating larger than 10 MM BTU/hr: You are required to permit the boiler.
- Heat Rating of >2 to < 10 MM BTU: You are required to register the boiler.
Does your boiler meet air quality regulations?
Boilers to be installed on campus must meet the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Regulation 9, Rule 7 as well as any other applicable regulations.
Permit Process
The permit process can take up to 8 months to complete. A general timeline of the process is as follows:
Steps | Timeline |
Step 1: Begin the permit process |
Step 2: EH&S will prepare the permit application forms |
1 to 3 weeks |
Step 3: EH&S submits permit application forms to BAAQMD | |
Step 4: BAAQMD Review |
1 week to 4 months |
Step 5: Receive invoice; Project pays invoice |
30 days |
Step 6: BAAQMD Review |
1 week to 4 months |
Step 7: BAAQMD sends “Authority to Construct” to EH&S |
Step 8: Start Up Notification |
Step 9: BAAQMD sends “Permit to Operate” to EH&S |
1 week to 2 months |
Registration Process
The registration process can take up to 3 months to complete. A general timeline of the process is as follows:
Steps | Timeline |
Step 1: Begin the registration process |
1 week |
Step 2: Receive invoice; Department pays invoice |
30 days |
Step 3: BAAQMD sends registration confirmation |
2 months |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who prepares the submittal to the BAAQMD for a permit?
UC Berkeley’s Office of Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) prepares the documents. However, detailed information required for the permit application must be provided to EH&S by the department in order to have a comprehensive submittal.
Who do I contact if I need additional assistance with permitting / installing a boiler?
Contact Miranda Monge ( with your proposed boiler location. Please include the proposed boiler specifications if available.