The permit process takes approximately 2 weeks.
A general timeline of the process is as follows using the City of Berkeley by example:
Step # Action Timeframe 1 Capital Projects (CP) or EH&S submits the permit application (completed form, scaled plan and fee) to the City of Berkeley – Toxic Management Division (TMD). 3 days 2 City of Berkeley – Toxics Management Division (TMD) sends “Drilling Permit” to CP or EH&S. 7 days 3 Capital Projects (CP) alerts EH&S of the first scheduled day of drilling. 2 days 4 Call the City of Berkeley – Toxics Management Division (TMD) and schedule an inspection of the grout sealing of boreholes, probes, or wells. Notify TMD a minimum of two (2) working days in advance of first scheduled day of drilling. 5 Permit expires. 90 days from approval date