Return to campus updates

July 2, 2021

Originally posted in UC Berkeley’s Response & Recovery Newsletter.

Response & Recovery, July 2, 2021 Issue

The return to campus section of the coronavirus site has been updated with new information regarding face coverings, meetings, physical distancing and more. Here are the highlights:

Face coverings


Face coverings continue to be required at all times unless you are alone in a room or vehicle with the door closed or eating or drinking if you maintain 6 feet of distance from others. This is a requirement regardless of vaccination status.


Face coverings are optional for everyone and recommended for non-fully vaccinated employees if you cannot maintain at least 6 feet distance from others.

A team is working on a system to allow supervisors to see who is required to wear a face covering. Once this system is in place — targeted for no later than July 12 — it will be possible to relax the face covering requirements for fully vaccinated employees. Until then, face coverings are still required indoors for everyone.

The latest information will be posted to the new face coverings page.

Meetings, events and physical distancing

There are no longer any restrictions on the size of meetings and physical distancing is no longer required. Face coverings are required for meetings held indoors and optional for meetings held outdoors. If attending an event indoors, follow the posted face covering requirements for the event. See the events page for updates.

Daily symptom screener

Employees are still required to complete the daily symptom screener each day they will be on campus.


In order for your Campus Access Badge to show compliance with campus policies, you must have received at least one COVID-19 test on campus at any point during the pandemic. This is a technical limitation of the badging software. If you’ve never been tested for COVID-19 on campus, please plan to do so either prior to your return or on your first day. The goal is to test most all staff and faculty prior to Aug. 1 when students are expected to start returning to the area in large numbers and will need to get tested.

To comply with Cal/OSHA regulations, unvaccinated employees are required to continue testing weekly.

Code of Student Conduct

The Temporary Provisions of the Code of Student Conduct have been updated to align with the updated face covering requirements.


Supervisors are expected to check their People Cards daily to ensure any employees working on campus are compliant with all requirements including the daily symptom screener, training and testing.

Other requirements

See the working on campus page for a checklist of requirements for working on campus between now and July 12.