Each year, shipping/receiving and storage managers (or their delegates) are asked to conduct Materials Handling and Storage self-inspections. The self-inspections cover facilities such as:
Loading docks
Loading dock materials storage areas
Distribution facilities for mail and package delivery
Facilities used for furniture and event supplies storage and transport
The topics covered are designed to supplement inspections conducted by EH&S to facilitate safety awareness and ownership within the facility.
Compliance Requirement
Self-inspections are a requirement of the UC Berkeley Workplace Safety Program and Policy.
2024 Materials Handling and Storage Self Inspections
Complete a materials handling and storage self-inspection online via Inspect, a web application developed by the University of California Office of the President (UCOP). For access to the mobile app, see mobile instructions below
Materials Handling and Storage Self-Inspections are due Friday, June 7, 2024.
Please contact safety@berkeley.eduwith any questions or concerns.
2024 Material Handling and Storage Self-Inspection Checklist
2024 Material Handling and Storage Self-Inspection Checklist
Fire/Life Safety
The effects of earthquakes are considered when storing items on shelves.
The floors of walking and work spaces are kept unobstructed and clear of slip hazards.
Emergency egress pathways are kept unobstructed.
Fire extinguishers are readily available; monthly inspections are noted on the tags.
Lighting in the workplace is adequate for exit in the event of a power failure.
Storage areas that are remote are adequately illuminated when in use.
Fire alarm pull stations are readily accessible; employees know where these stations are located.
First aid kits are available and kept stocked with appropriate supplies.
Exit routes between stored items are adequate to allow safe egress during an emergency.
Stored materials are kept two (2) feet or more below the ceiling in non-sprinklered areas of buildings, or a minimum of 18 inches below sprinkler heads in sprinklered areas of buildings.
Emergency contact information is posted in the workplace along with the emergency evacuation route plan.
Furniture and equipment with a center of gravity over 4-ft high and weighing over 400 pounds is restrained to prevent tipping over in an earthquake.
Personal Protective Equipment
Safety glasses are made available to employees and visitors before entering the warehouse area.
Hearing protection is made available to employees.
Gloves are available and worn by employees and machine/equipment/tool users.
Shoes with toe guards are available and funded by the Department
PPE advisement signs are posted where necessary.
Staff are reminded to use safe lifting techniques when moving heavy objects.
Heavy objects and supplies are stored at low elevations (e.g. waist-high and below).
Staff are reminded to use proper body posture when pushing and pulling items to avoid muscle strain, and joint sprains.
Repetitive motions (packaging, labeling, etc.) are time-limited to avoid ergonomic injuries.
Stacked/stored materials are secured for earthquakes.
Compressed Gas Cylinders
Individual cylinders are labeled to clearly identify contents.
Cylinders are properly secured by a chain or stand to prevent tip over and damage.
Regulators are removed and replaced with cylinder caps when not in use.
Oxidizers and fuel gases in storage are separated by at least 20-ft, or by a 5-ft wall with a 30-minute fire resistance rating (if not supplied on demand) (Exception: oxygen and acetylene)
Overhead Cranes And Hoists
Crane/hoist operators have completed training with EH&S.
Chains and hoists are inspected in accordance with manufacturer's requirements.
Load capacity signs are clearly posted.
Crane/hoist and the lift path are properly barricaded.
Hard hats are available and used during lifts if determined to be necessary where there is a risk of receiving head injuries from flying or falling objects and/or electric shock and burns
Rigging (e.g. slings, shackles, etc.) are in good condition.
EH&S Follow-up
An EH&S health and safety specialist will review all inspections and follow up with shipping/receiving and storage managers to provide assistance in correcting any deficiencies.
Instructions on conducting a self-inspection using Inspect:
Self-inspections can be completed on a mobile device or desktop. To find out how to conduct a self-inspection on your desired device, see below.
How to Install Inspect
For iOS Users | For Android Users |
How to conduct a self-inspection using Inspect
- Log into Inspect application using CalNet credentials.
- Select Start Inspection from the Home page. Choose UCB Materials Handling and Storage 2024 from the dropdown menu and your facility's name as the Party to Inspect. Select Let’s Go.
- Select X to create a finding for each question. Enter any comments and photos (if desired). Under the Status section, select Compliant (checkmark), Not Compliant (x symbol), or Not Applicable (N/A).
- Select Save at the upper right corner to save each finding.
- After answering all the questions, you may use the Notes section to add information or explain issues pertaining to the facility or overall inspection.
- Once all findings have been documented, select Save at the upper right corner to save the inspection.
- Select Submit Inspection on the Home page. Select the three dots next to your self-inspection to Submit as Draft (if you need to make edits at a later time) or Submit as Completed.
Need additional instructions? Check out the Inspect Mobile Demo videos or see screenshots:
- Log into Inspect using CalNet credentials.
- Select Start Inspection. Choose UCB Materials Handling and Storage 2024 from the dropdown menu and your facility's name as the Party to Inspect. Select Let’s Go.
- Select + Add Incident next to each question. Enter any comments and attachments (if desired). Under the Status section, select Compliant, Not Compliant, Not Applicable, or Corrected on Site.
- Select Save when you are done with the finding.
- After answering all the questions, you may use the Notes section to add information or explain issues pertaining to the facility or overall inspection.
- Once you have finished the inspection, select Submit at the upper right of the page.