Workplace Safety

The campuswide Workplace Safety Program serves as the university’s central program for creating a safe and healthful work environment. 

How the dangers of heat waves sneak up on people

July 8, 2024

Californians are staring down an unusually long and dangerous heat wave. Public health officials are opening cooling centers and urging caution as folks head out to celebrate the Fourth of July in what the National Weather Service says could be several days of 110-degree temperatures.

There’s no question that kind of heat is hazardous to your health. But why?...

Working in Hot Weather: Reminders for Employees and Supervisors

May 13, 2024

Working in high temperatures can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. It is important to take precautions and to be prepared for high heat conditions. Please share this information with supervisors and employees in your department that work outdoors or may be exposed to high temperatures indoors during their workday.

Outdoor work when temperature exceeds 80°F

Workers performing job duties outside must follow the campus ...

Radiation Safety Awareness Training Update

June 3, 2024

Radiation Safety Awareness Training (EHS 404) is required for all staff who work in areas where radioactive materials and/or radiation producing machines are located. This training was recently integrated into the Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety training (EHS 101)

What this means

As of June 1, 2024, any person who has completed EHS 101...

New Chemical Inventory Requirements

July 12, 2024

Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) is in the process of tagging all chemicals in all buildings on campus in response to new chemical inventory requirements issued by the UC Office of the President (also see MAQ project page).

Town Halls: Introduction to chemical tagging

EH&S is hotsting virtual town halls throughout the...

Vertical Milling Machine

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Job Safety Analysis - Operating A Vertical Milling Machine

Download Word Document Download Google Document

Department Safety Coordinators

Department Safety Coordinators (DSCs) are a vital part of the campus safety structure, coordinating, implementing, and documenting safety practices in departments across campus.

Wildfire Smoke

Providing resources and guidance for the UC Berkeley community to reduce exposure to wildfire smoke.

Power Failures

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Power Outages: Preparation and Response

This Fact Sheet includes:

General Power Outage information for the UC Berkeley Campus Best Practices for Advanced Preparation Before a Power Outage What to do During a...

Wildfire Smoke N95 Distribution Schedule

Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) distributes N95 masks to employees when campus is impacted by unhealthy air quality due to wildfire smoke (when AQI exceeds 150).

Resources and Guides

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

A JSA describes job tasks in step-by-step fashion, identifies associated hazards at each step, and outlines proper hazard controls that minimize the risk of injury or illness to the individual(s) performing that task.

JSAs Listed by Topic: Body Mechanics ...