Workplace Safety

The campuswide Workplace Safety Program serves as the university’s central program for creating a safe and healthful work environment. 

Samuel Chiang

Project & Communications Coordinator
Communications & Outreach

Ladder Safety Program

UC Berkeley has developed this Ladder Safety Program to manage the safe selection, procurement, safe work practices, inspection, inventory tracking and record keeping of all ladders. The Ladder Safety Program applies to any department on campus, at field stations, or on leased property where any type of ladder three (3) feet or more in length/height is used. Roles and responsibilities for safe use of ladders by employees (including temporary employees and graduate students...

Recreational Sports - Athletic Camps Setting Up/Taking Down Equipment

Department of Recreational Sports

Each sport will require different equipment and there are different hazards associated with each individual sport. The following are precautions for general
equipment set-up.

Loading and Unloading the Emergency Response Truck

Emergency Response
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Emergency Response - Loading and Unloading the Emergency Response Truck

Recreational Sports - Maintenance Operating Motorized Vehicle (Petroleum Powered)

Department of Recreational Sports

The driver must possess a valid California driver’s license to operate a motorized vehicle.

Sewing Machine Operation for Insulators


Physical Plant – Campus Services
Sewing Machine Operation For For Insulators

Sewer Jetter

Residential & Student Services Programs
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Hooking up and using US Jetting High Pressure Jetting Unit (300 Gallon Platform Series) -

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

Sequence of Job Steps Potential Hazards or Unsafe Behaviors Controls and Recommended Procedures

Download Sewer Jetter JSA

Confined Space Entry Program

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

The Confined-Space Entry Program provides procedures, practices, and requirements necessary to ensure the safety of personnel working inside confined spaces. This program applies to all UC Berkeley faculty, staff, students, and contractors performing confined-space entries on the UC Berkeley campus or at associated field stations and offices.

Confined Space Entry Program for Construction, Telecommunications Operations and Electrical Work...