Shop Safety

Policies, procedures, and training materials for any type of shop-work activities.

Cutting Rope Made Of Synthetic Materials

Department of Recreational Sports
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Cutting Rope Made Of Synthetic Materials, Recreational Sports - Cal Adventures

Rope, synthetic


UC Printing Services
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Operating a Milling Machine - Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

(Word) (PDF)

Operating a 14-Inch Radial Arm Saw

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Facilities Services: Operating A 14-Inch Radial Arm Saw

Radial Arm Saw, 14 inch

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Shops

Please contact the PPE coordinator at or by calling (510) 642-3073 if you have any questions or comments about personal protective equipment for your shop.

UC Printing Services: Operating a Saw-Out Machine

Office of Environment, Health & Safety
UC Printing Services

Operating a Saw-Out Machine, UC Printing Services

UC Printing Services: Operation of The Rollem Score/Numbering Machine

UC Printing Services
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Operation of The Rollem Score/Numbering Machine, UC Printing Services

UC Printing Services: Shrinkwrap

UC Printing Services
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Operation of the Hanagata Shrinkwrap - UC Printing Services

Using Hand Tools

Department of Recreational Sports
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Using Hand Tools, Recreational Sports - Maintenance

Three Knife Trimmer

UC Printing Services
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Operationof Muller Martini Merit Three-Knifer Trimmer - UC Printing Services