Equipment and Tool Safety

Providing resources and guidance for the safe use of tools by UC Berkeley personnel.

Sewing Machine Operation for Insulators


Physical Plant – Campus Services
Sewing Machine Operation For For Insulators

Sewer Jetter

Residential & Student Services Programs
Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Hooking up and using US Jetting High Pressure Jetting Unit (300 Gallon Platform Series) -

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

Sequence of Job Steps Potential Hazards or Unsafe Behaviors Controls and Recommended Procedures

Download Sewer Jetter JSA

Mixing Ceramic Glazes

ASUC Auxiliary Art Studio

Glazes, mixing

Confined Space Entry Program

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

The Confined-Space Entry Program provides procedures, practices, and requirements necessary to ensure the safety of personnel working inside confined spaces. This program applies to all UC Berkeley faculty, staff, students, and contractors performing confined-space entries on the UC Berkeley campus or at associated field stations and offices.

Confined Space Entry Program for Construction, Telecommunications Operations and Electrical Work...

Eye Washes

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Pipettes - Ergonomics

University Health Services

Ergonomic pipettes differ from traditional manual pipettes in that the design offers a way to reduce the force required to perform the pipetting task.

ATVs and Snowmobiles

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Back-country Safety Equipment and Training

ATV and Snowmobile Safety Gear and PPE Recommendations for Back-country Field Safety, EH&S Shared Google Document

Crane/Hoist Safety Program

UC Berkeley’s Office of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) manages Crane Safety to ensure Cal/OSHA compliance by campus Departments, Field Stations, and Contractors using University-owned overhead cranes, hoists and rigging. Administrative requirements, training requirements, recordkeeping requirements, inspection criterion and procedures, “Operator” and “Standby Person” safe-work procedures are included for all types of cranes and hoists that are used for lifting/moving equipment and materiel.

There are two classes of cranes/hoists defined according to rated load capacities...