Building Safety

To keep campus buildings safe, building coordinators and alternates serve as important liaisons between the occupants of their building and various campus service and support units.

Job Safety Analysis

Job Safety Analysis or JSAs describes job tasks in step-by-step fashion, identifies associated hazards at each step, and outlines proper hazard controls that minimize the risk of injury or illness to the individual(s) performing that task.

Getting Started with Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

How do I write or find a JSA? The objective of providing this library is to:

Improve safety awareness among staff Decrease injury rates Make effective JSA resources available to the entire UC Berkeley campus


Office of Environment, Health & Safety
Ladder Safety Program

UC Berkeley has developed this Ladder Safety Program to manage the safe selection, procurement, safe work practices, inspection, inventory tracking and record keeping of all ladders. The Ladder Safety Program applies to any department on campus, at field stations, or on leased property where any type of ladder three (3) feet or more in length/height is used. Roles and responsibilities for safe use of ladders by employees (including temporary employees and graduate students performing research related activities in field stations and remote research facilities) are...

Lab Managers & Safety Coordinators

Laboratory managers and Laboratory Safety Coordinators (LSCs) are typically selected by a lab’s principal investigator, and serve a critical role with regards to lab safety. In many cases, the LSC is also the lab manager, though not always. LSCs serve as delegates for the principal investigator for many safety programs and applications including Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) and Inspect.

Amy Chen

Campus Fire Marshal, DCFM; Director of Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention
Construction Inspection
Building Plan Review

Katherine McCain-Orozco

Deputy Fire Marshal, DCFM: Plans Examiner (Construction Inspector)
Fire Prevention
Construction Inspection
Building Plan Review

Rooftop Safety Plan

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

This plan is a source of information for workers that will perform invasive or non-invasive work on roofs of UC Berkeley buildings. These are general guidelines to help you work safely in and around vent systems on the roof.

Environmental Protection

Helping to protect and enhance the campus environment and providing permit and compliance management services. How Do I: collapse all expand all Get rid of waste?

Visit the Dispose of Waste...

UC Berkeley Mold Awareness and Guidance


Mold is a type of fungus that can produce spores which are released into the air. Mold can be found everywhere and can be detected year-round, both indoors and outdoors. Persistent warm and humid conditions promote mold growth. Exposure to damp and moldy environments may cause a variety of health effects, or none at all. For people who are sensitive to mold, exposure can cause nasal stuffiness, throat irritation, coughing or wheezing, eye irritation, and in some cases, skin irritation.

No matter what type of mold is present it should be removed.
