As mandated by Cal/OSHA and other regulatory compliance codes, this program guides compliance with, and application of, all legal requirements for UC Berkeley departments, field stations and work / research operations that use these types of equipment.
Departments that own, rent and/or otherwise operate Aerial Lifts / Elevating Work Platforms (AL/EWP) must:
- Select and then purchase or rent appropriate equipment for job tasks based upon an work-environment and job-task hazard analysis,
- Train and certify personnel who operate their specific type of owned / rented equipment,
- Conduct documented safety inspections and preventive maintenance of the equipment,
- Assure operators adhere to specific safe-work practices whenever using these types of powered industrial equipment, and
- Approve Contractors / Vendors to use AL/EWP equipment on their premises, and only allow properly certified contractor / vendor personnel to use Department-owned equipment.
Complete Aerial Lift / Elevated Work Platform Program Document