New Biological Use Authorization (BUA) Submission Process

February 5, 2024

The Biological Use Authorization (BUA) submission process is moving to the Risk & Safety Solutions (RSS)(link is external) software system, RSS BUA, in time for the April CLEB Meeting! EH&S will be transferring your existing BUA data into the new system.

What do I need to do?

  • Please rework your BUA scope of work narrative to fit the new format of RSS BUA. This is the biggest change and requires attention and preparation by the lab. 

  • Submit your updated narrative to sends e-mail) at your earliest convenience; this is needed prior to processing amendments or renewals.

  • If needed, please reach out to sends e-mail) for a current copy of your BUA and amendments (if any). 

Benefits of the new RSS BUA submission process

  • Easily add or remove information – for amendments or renewals.

  • Easily address reviewer comments and questions within the application.

Coming soon:

  • A step-by-step resource that maps the paper-based BUA to the new online system.

  • The transfer of your data from your BUA document into RSS BUA

  • Voluntary one-on-one sessions with all PIs needing to submit an amendment or renewal.

  • Access to the live online system by March 1st.

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us at sends e-mail)