Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) is preparing the 2025 Manufactured Nanoscale Materials Disclosure for the City of Berkeley.
If you use nanoscale materials in your lab, and
a. you have never filled out the Nanoscale Materials Information Form,
b. you have begun using new nanoscale materials, or a new class of nanoscale materials
Please Fill out the 2025 Nanoscale Materials Information Form by February 6, 2025.
Once all necessary forms are completed and submitted, no further action is required. If your lab has not made any major changes to your nanoscale materials inventory or handling since the previous report, you do not need to fill out the form.
Background: Manufactured Nanoscale Materials Disclosure
Manufactured Nanoscale Material Disclosure is an ordinance issued by the City of Berkeley as part of requirements for a hazardous materials business plan. Since facilities at UC Berkeley produce and handle manufactured nanoscale materials, the university must comply with this requirement. Part of the ordinance mandates that the university submit a report to the Toxics Management Division by March 1st of each year.
The disclosure ordinance prioritizes risk activities according to control bands. Control bands are assigned based on a review of the available toxicological information and an exposure pathway study for materials handled in research laboratories or facilities. Appropriate measures to protect workers and the environment will be prescribed based on the band of that risk identified by laboratories or facilities in this evaluation.