UC Berkeley EH&S is offering to match the University of California Office of the President's Be Smart About Safety (BSAS) funding to provide limited support for machine guard purchases in campus shops. The BSAS funds will allow EH&S to match the cost of one guard up to a certain limit in order to distribute funds as equitably as possible across all shops.
Following are the instructions for receiving and applying the funds:
Submit Request: Submit to Patrick Kaulback at EH&S, a list of machines in your shop that require guards. Include a list of the guards you intend to purchase for each machine, and the cost of each guard.
Eligibility: EH&S will review the list and indicate which guard is eligible for matching funds. The cost of the highest priced guard will be matched, not to exceed $1,000.
Department Purchasing: Once EH&S has stated which guard and associated cost will be matched, the shop proceeds to purchase the other guards they need with their department funds via BearBuy, excluding the guard that EH&S is matching.
Record Keeping: The shop submits proof of purchase of these guards to Patrick Kaulback via email.
EH&S Purchasing: Patrick will then provide the EH&S chartstring to the shop or department to execute the purchase of the remaining guard that is being matched. The purchaser will assign the BearBuy cart to Patrick Kaulback who will provide approval.
Please direct any questions to Patrick Kaulback.