
Helping campus units manage their materials by providing assistance with shipping, waste pick-up and disposal, and chemical inventory needs.

Labs and Research

Providing support, in the form of risk assessment, review, consultation(link sends e-mail), training, and the necessary resources and guidance for research at UC Berkeley.

Electronic Waste

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Electronic Wastes, Used Batteries & Fluorescent Lights (Universal Waste Management)

Label Waste Manually

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Hazardous Waste - Blank Label

If the HWP is temporarily unavailable when you need a label, you must still label your hazardous waste container with specific information. If the EH&S web site is functional, you may print a blank label and write in the start date, the hazardous characteristic, physical property, and the chemical components.

Contractor Safety Manual (Spanish)

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

Manual de Seguridad del Contratista

Este manual es previsto por la Universidad de California, Berkeley como una guía para ayudar a los contratistas que trabajan en la construcción en la Universidad de California en Berkeley (la Universidad).

Los contratistas de construcción son responsables de su propio programa de seguridad.

Los temas que son presentados en este manual son recordatorios y no reemplazan las obligaciones en su contrato. Contratistas de construcción deben ser conscientes de sus propias obligaciones para cumplir con las regulaciones...

Contractor Safety Manual (English)

Office of Environment, Health & Safety

This manual is provided by the University of California, Berkeley as a guide to help construction contractors work on the UC Berkeley campus.

Construction contractors are responsible for their own safety program.

The topics highlighted in this manual are reminders and do not replace obligations provided by contract documents. Construction contractors must be aware of their own obligations to comply with local, state and federal regulations as applicable to their work activities on campus.

For clarification or further explanation, please contact your UC Berkeley Project...

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Library

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

A JSA describes job tasks in step-by-step fashion, identifies associated hazards at each step, and outlines proper hazard controls that minimize the risk of injury or illness to the individual(s) performing that task.

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

EH&S Fact Sheets serve as campus-wide Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).